Li PE’yê ji 200 kesan ‘Banga Piştgiriya Hewldanên Aştiyê’

Xwediyên Xelata Aştiyê ya Nobelê jî di nav de 200 kesên navdar “Banga Piştgiriya Hewldanên Aştiyê" ragihandin û gotin, "Divê hemû alî vê kêliya dîrokî binirxînin û ji bo aştî û edaletê bi hev re bixebitin."

Navenda Nûçeyan – Xwediyên Xelata Aştiyê ya Nobelê jî di nav de 200 kes ji bo piştgiriyê bidin Banga Aştî û Civaka Demokratîk a Rêberê Gelê Kurd Abdullah Ocalan daxuyanî dan. Di daxuyaniya ku li avahiya Parlamentoya Ewropayê ya li paytexta Belçîka Brukselê hat dayîn de hat diyarkirin ku wan ‘Banga Piştgiriya Hewldanên Aştiyê' ji bo îmzeyan vekirine û banga piştgiriyê li her kesî kirin.

Di daxuyaniya bi sernavê 'Banga Piştevaniya Hewldanên Aştiyê' ya bi îmzeya 200 kesî hat kirin de ev tişt hatin gotin:

“Banga Abdullah Ocalan a di 27'ê Sibata 2025'an de ji bo aştiyê kir, ji bo Tirkiye û gelê Kurd dîrokî ye. Bi vê bangê re tê xwestin ku dawî li pevçûnên bi dehan salan were û rê li ber civaka demokratîk were vekirin. Di heman demê de ev bang ji bo li Tirkiye û Rojhilata Navîn aramî û parastina mafên mirovan bê misogerkirin û teşwîqî lihevkirinê bike, derfeteke girîng e. Divê hemû alî vê kêliya dîrokî binirxînin û ji bo aştî û edaletê bi hev re bixebitin. Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan (PKK) a ku bersiva erênî da banga Abdullah Ocalan, geşedaneke wêrekî ye û cihê kêfxweşiyê ye. Beşdarbûna Abdullah Ocalan a pêvajoya aştiyê û ji bo serketina wê gelekî girîng e. Abdullah Ocalan ku 25 sal in di girtîgehê de tê girtin, divê serbest bê berdan. Ev wê tenê mafên bingehîn misoger neke, di heman demê de wê ji bo gelê Kurd bibe misogeriya bidestxistina mafan.  

Em kesên ku vê daxuyaniyê îmze kirine, bang li Tirkiye û hemû aliyên peywendîdar dikin ku ji bo aştiyeke mayînde gavên bibiryar bavêjin. Em bang li hemû rewşenbîr, tevger û aktîvîstên jinan, hunermend, akademîsyen, rojnamevan, parêzer, aktîvîstên mafên mirovan û civaka sivîl dikin ku vê daxuyaniyê îmze bikin û piştgiriyê bidin banga me.

Divê ev pêvajo bibe sedema avakirina civakeke ku Tirk û Kurd tê de di nava aştî, wekhevî û azadiyê de bijîn û bi hev re li siberojeke baştir binêrin. Ji bo pêkanîna wê û aştiya li Tirkiyeyê bandorek veguherîner li ser herêmê bike, piştgiriya civaka navneteweyî jiyanî ye."

Yên ku daxuyanî îmze kirine ev in:

Şîrîn Ebadî, Nobel Peace Prize Laureates

Jody Williams, Nobel Peace Prize Laureates

Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Nobel Peace Laureates

Elfriede Jelinek, Nobel Prize in Literature

Ela Gandh, Founder of the Gandhi Development Trus, S. Africa

Massimo D’Alema, Former President of the Council of Ministers, Italy

Konstantin Wecker, Composer, Author and Actor, Germany

Andy Carl, Independent Advisor on Peace processes

Aragones Pere, Former President of Catalunya

Barbara Spinelli, Co-President of European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights / ELDH)

Brian Currin, South African international mediator and HHRR lawyer

Harold Good, Irish Methodist, peacemaker, witness of the IRA decommissioning process

Heike Geisweid, Co-President of MAF-DAD

Lady Helena Kennedy, of the Shaws LT KC -Director of the International Bar Association´s Institute of Human Rights

Kariane Westrheim, Chair of the European Union Turkey Civic Commission

Ogmundur Jonasson, Former Minister of Justice of Iceland

Ronnie Kasrils, Former South African Minister of State Security

Rev. Moss Ntlha, General Secretary of The Evangelical Alliance of South Africa

Arnaldo Otegi, EHBildu Secretary General

Monica Mc Williams, Northern Ireland Women’s Coalition (NIWC)

Prof. Matt Meyer, Secretary General, International Peace Research Association, USA

Carles Puigdemont, President of Catalonia in Exile

Jonas Staal, Visual Artist, Netherlands

Dr. Walter Baier, President of the European Left Party

Debbie Bookchin, Journalist and Author, USA

Vincent Baudriller, Director of the Theatre-Vidy, Lausanne Switzerland

Caroline Barneaud, Director of Artistic and International Projects, Theatre-Vidy, Lausanne Switzerland

Krish Govender, Member of the Bureau of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, S. Africa

Zubeida Jaffer, Journalist and Author, S. Africa

Prof. Devan Pillay, Global Labor University & University of the Witwatersrand, S. Africa

Rev. Sidney Luckett, Former Director, Board of Social Responsibility, Anglican Church of S. Africa

Barbara Steiner, Director of Transform! Europe

Monica Mc Williams, Northern Ireland Women’s Coalition (NIWC)

Ephraim Cortez, President of NUPL (National Union of Peoples Lawyers, Philippines

Robert Sabata Gripekoven, Hnr. President of European D-Lawyers and Barcelona Bar Association  

Czarina Golda S. Musni, Unions of Peoples in Mindanao

Fabio Marcelli, CRED

Michela Marcelli, CRED

Liam Welch, The Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers, SLAI

Gorka Elejabarrieta Diaz, Member of the Senate of Spain, EHBildu

Victoria Sandino, Colombian Peace Negotiator and Peace Signatory

Vicenç Vidal, Deputy of Més per Mallorca and The Plurinational Group Sumar in the Congress of Deputies

Marta Madrenas i Mir, Member of Parliament, Foreign Affairs Spokesperson for Junts x Catalunya in the Spanish Congress of Deputies

Mikel Burzako, Responsible for Foreign Affairs of Bask Nationalist Party EAJ-PNV

Alvaro Jimenez Millan, Government Delegate for Peacebuilding with the Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia AGC Group

Jordi Cuixart, Defender of Catalonia's right to self-determination, political prisoner

David Fernandez, Journalist and former member of the Catalan Parliament for CUP-Països Catalans

Xavier Antich, President of Òmnium Cultural NGO

Maryam Madji, Goncourt Prize-Awarded Writer

Francis Wurtz, Honorary Member of the European Parliament

Gérard Mordillat, Writer, Poet, Film-Maker

Carole Mann, Author and President of Femaid

François Devedjian, Lawyer

Nils Andersson, Publisher, Former Co-President of the Association for International Humanitarian Law

Pascal Savoldelli, Communist Senator for Val-de-Marne

Pouria Amirshahi, Member of the Parliament (The Green Party EELV- France)

Joël Dutto, Honorary General Councilor of B-d-R- France

Geneviève Garrigos, Councilor of Paris

Fabien Gay, Senator and Director of the newspaper L'humanité

Pascal Torre, University Professor

Fabien Roussel, National Secretary of the French Communist Party -PCF

Danielle Simonnet, Member of Parliament for Paris, co-founder of Après

Andreas Schieder, MEP, member of the SPO (Social Democratic Party of Austria)

Petra Bayr, MP of the SPO, Austria

Dlin Shams Asadi, Human Rights Commissioner and Head of the Human Rights Office of the City of Vienna

Paul Stich, MP of the SPO, Austria

Erkki Tuomioja, Historian and Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Finland

Syksy Räsänen, Senior Researcher and Activist, Finland

Ulla Klotzer, Women for Peace-Global Women for Peace United Against NATO - GWUAN), Finland

Olli Tammilehto, Writer and Independent Researcher, Finland

Olli-Pekka Haavisto, Civil Society Activist, Finland

Pinja Vuorinen, Chairperson of Finnish Left Youth

Marko Ulvila, Author and Democracy Activist, Finland

Ville Lähde, Ph.D. Researcher and Author, Finland

Prof. Antti Salminen, University of Arts Helsinki

Markku Kangaspuro, Chair Person of the Peace Committee, Finland

Jaana Kanninen, Journalist, Finnland

Prof. Thomas Wallgren, City Councilor, Helsink

Bahram Rahmani, Writer and Political Analyst, Sweden

Elahe Sadr, Feminist and Political Activist, Sweden

Behzad Karimi, Writer and Political Analyst, Sweden

Mogens Lykketoft, Form. Danish Foreign Minister, Form. Pres. of the UN General Assembly

Pernille Frahm, Former Member of the Danish and European Parliament

Bjørn Elmquist, Former Member of the Defence Council, Former MP&Member of PACE

Thorkild Høyer, Lawyer, Founder&Former Chairman of Living Human Rights, Dreyer Honorary Award

Jesper Brandt, Professor Emeritus, Department of Natural Sciences and Environment, Denmark

Rémy Pagani, Former Mayor of Geneva, former member of the Genève Grand Council, member of the Geneva City Council

Priska Seiler Graf, National MP, President of SiK-N, Switzerland

Christophe Clivaz, National Councilor, Canton of Valais

Nicolas Walder, MP from the Geneva Canton (The Greens)

Jean Tschopp, National MP from the Canton Vaud (Socialist Party)

Laurence Fehlmann Rielle, National MP for Geneva (Socialist Party)

Alfonso Gomez, Former Mayor and Member of the Geneva Executive Municipal

Raphaël Mahaim, National MP for the Canton Vaud (The Greens)

Fabian Molina, National MP for the Zurich Canton (Socialist Party)

Carlo Sommaruga, Member of the Council of States of the Geneva (Socialist Party)

Léonore Porchet, Member of the National Council, The Greens, Switzerland

Monica Mc Williams, Women's Coalition of Northern Ireland (NIWC)

Nicola Fratoianni, MP & National Secretary of the Sinistra Italiana

Giuseppe de Cristofaro, Senator Alianza Verde Sinistra, Italy

Celestino Magni, Senator Alianza Verde Sinistra, Italy

Francesca Ghirra, MP Alianza Verde Sinistra, Italy

Andrea Segre, Film Director, Italy

Maurizio Acerbo, National Secretary, Communist Refoundation Party-European Left

Ginevra Bompiani, Writer, Italy

Paolo Ferrero, Italian Politician, Former Minister of Social Solidarity, Italy

Marco Grimaldi, MP & Vice President of Avs Group, Italy

Franco Danieli, Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy

Giovanni Russo Spena, Former MP & Committee Spokesperson: the Time Has Come; Freedom for Ocalan, Italy

Guido Viale, Essayist, Italy

Lea Melandri, Journalist, Italy

Ramon Mantovani, Former MP, Italy

Enrico Calamai, Former Diplomat, Italy

Piero Bevilacqua, Historian, Italy

Guido Viale, Essayist, Italy

Lea Melandri, Journalist, Italy

Ramon Mantovani, Former MP, Italy

Enrico Calamai, Former Diplomat, Italy

Piero Bevilacqua, Historian, Italy

Abha Bhaya, Human and Women Rights Activist, India

Ariel Salleh, Hon. Associate Professor, Political Economy, University of Sydney, USA

Barbara Akdeniz, Mayor of Darmstadt, The Greens, Germany

Dorothea Kohler, Human Rights Activist, Germany

Dr. Alessandra Mezzadri, Reader in Global Development& Political Economy Department of Development Studies SOAS, University of London, UK

Ellahe Sadr, Asylum and Migration Advisor Against Sexual&Racist Exploitation, Teheran-Iran

Franziska Stier, General Secretary BastA! Switzerland

Janet Biehl, New York Kurdish Cultural Center, USA

Maria Andrea Nardi, PhD/Researcher, Lund University Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights, Sweden

Marion Boker, Director Consultancy on Human Rights and Gender ISSUES, Germany

Maryam Namazie, Spokesperson of One Law for All, UK

Monica Calzolari, Councillor for Archaeological Areas, the Municipal Library and the Historical Archives of the City of Tarquinia, Viterbo- Italy

Dr. Olga Zitzelsberger, Human Scientist, Germany

Prof. Rada Iveković, Professor of Philosophy, Paris-France

Wendy Lyon, Human Rights Lawyer, Ireland

Prof. Dr. Norman Paech, Lawyer and Emeritus Professor of Political Science and Public Law

Cansû Ozdemîr, Member of the Federal Parliament, Germany

Prof. Dr. Aram Ziai, Political scientist, University of Kassel, Germany

Prof. Dr. Cengiz Barskanmaz, Professor for Law and Social Work, Fulda, Germany

Prof. Dr Alex Demirovic, Political Scientist, Germany

Dr. Sylvia Marcos, Mexican psychologist, sociologist, anthropologist. Franz Fanon Award

Rosalva Aída Hernández, Professor at CIESAS, LASA/Oxfam Martin Diskin Memorial Award, Mexico

Vivir Quintana, Composer and Singer, Mexico

Doma Press, Musician, México

Claudia Korol, Communicator and Popular Educator and Member of Feministas Abya Yala

Dora Barrancos, Historian and Feminist, Argentina

Francisca Fernández Droguett, Lecturer, Member of the Movimiento por el Agua y los Territorios MAT and the Escuela Popular Campesina de Curaco, Chile

Maria Elena Naddeo, Secretary General of APDH Permanent Assembly for Human Rights Argentina

Lolita Chávez, Human Rights Defender, Member of Feministas del Abya Yala, Guatemala

Council of K'iche's Peoples, For the Defence of Life, Mother Nature, Land and Territory. CPK

Carlos Lordkipanidse, ESMA Survivor, Human Rights Activist

Sandra Morán, Feminist Activist, Former Member of Parliament and Participant of the Peace Process in Guatemala

Bertha Zúniga Cáceres, Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organisations of Honduras

Alejandra Ciriza, Feminist Philosopher, Argentina

Mónica Baltodano, Guerrilla Commander in the Sandinista Revolution and Politician, Exiled and Denationalised for Defending Human Rights in Nicaragua

Diana Kordon, Coordinator of EATIP- Argentinean Team for Psychosocial Work and Research

Susana Gamba, Women's Agenda, Argentina

Margarita Cruz, Human Rights Defender, Association of Former Disappeared Detainees, Argentina

Taty Almeida, Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo Founder

Vera Jarach, Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo Founder

Alicia Furman, Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo Founder

Adriana Guzmán Arroyo, Feminismo Comunitario Antipatriarcal, Feministas de Abya Yala, Bolivia

Diana Restrepo Rodriguez, Lawyer and University Lecturer

Fernanda Aguirre, Human Rights Secretary of the PIT CNT, Uruguay

Machi Betiana, Colhuan- Spiritual and Philosophical Leader of the Mapuche People

Rodrigo Andrade, Popular Ecological Left, Chile

Francisca Pemjean, Collective EcoSocialistas, Chile

Daniel Caniullan, Mapuche Leader, Union of Artisanal Fishers Las Guaitecas

Verónica Vilches, Environmental Defender, Movement for Water SECAS, Chile

Marcelo Yañez, Deputy Candidate for the Equality Party, Chile.

Aucan Huilcaman, Movement for Mapuche Self-Determination

Carlos Beas, Coordinator of the Union of Indigenous Communities of the Northern Zone of the Isthmus, Mexico

Mauricio Macossay Vallado, Spokesperson for the Rebel Collective, Mexico

Joel García Venegas, National Union of Agricultural Workers in Oaxaca Secretary of Organisation, Mexico


Eduardo Barcesat, Constitutional Lawyer

Atilio Borón, Sociologist, Political Scientist, Writer

Iris Avellaneda, Argentine League for Human Rights

Nora Podestá, Argentine League for Human Rights

Paola Gallo, Movement for Peace, Sovereignty and Solidarity Among Peoples

Pablo Pelaez, Association for the Unity of Our America

Stella Calloni, Writer, Journalist

Margaret Rijkelijkhuizen, Teacher at the Yazidi School, Netherlands

Eda Yilmaz, Lawyer, Netherlands

Mohammed Kazjin, Team Leader of Business Operations, Netherlands

Parisa Pouyande, Women's Right and Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI), Netherlands

Veerle Driessen, Arts Journalist, Netherlands

Samy Dury, Member of the Youth Political Organisation Jong Sociaal Contract (JSC)

Maaz Îbrahîmoglû, Journalist, Netherlands

Martina Del Chiaro, Art & Film and Media Professional, Netherlands

Jerry Afriyie, Poet and Human Rights Activist, Netherlands

Daniela Donosaite, Data Science, Netherlands

Sander Dekker, Activist for the Feminist Club Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sarah Mottet, Student Political Science, Netherlands

Ana-Maria Radu, Anthropology, Netherlands

Sandra Woo, Independent Learning and Development Coordinator, Netherlands

Prof. Achin Vanaik, Former Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Delhi, India

Anuradha Talwar, Trade Union Activist, India

Nalini Nayak, Co-Founder - Self Employed Women's Association (SEWA), India

Aneel Prasad Hegde, Former Member of Parliament - India

Prof. Anuradha M. Chenoy, Former dean of the School of International Studies of the Jawaharlal Nehru University, India

Pamela Philipose, Journalist, India

Prof. Ajay Mahurkar, Academic, Ass. Professor in the School of Social Sciences, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), India