Lake Urmia risks drying up

Lake Urmia, the largest saltwater lake in Eastern Kurdistan, faces the risk of drying up due to the failure of the authorities to take precautions.

Urmia- Large part of Urmia Lake located in the city of Urmia, Eastern Kurdistan, has already dried up. This change causes salt storms that pollute nearby cities and farms. These storms cause environmental and health problems for the people and animals living near the lake. According to reports, more salt storms can occur in the future.

One of the main reasons for the drying up of the lake is the construction of dam construction. In order to reduce the construction costs, the Islamic Republic of Iran has filled some parts of the lake with sand and stones. This step has blocked the natural flow of water and has gradually led to the drying up of the lake.

According to experts and environmental activists, the actions of the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the area. The environmental activists think that restoration efforts of the authorities only remain on paper, aiming to loot the budget of the restoration. Despite many colorful programs and promises, the reality is that none of these efforts have improved the situation of the lake. The failure of the authorities to take precautions show the authorities’ inattention to one of the biggest environmental disasters in Iran.