Women to take the streets against male, state violence

Women in Ankara will welcome March 8, International Women's Day with the slogan, “We are rising for our freedom against discrimination, poverty, male and state violence.” Ankara Women’s Platform member Fatma Kılıçarslan told us women’s program in Ankara and the primary demands of women.
Ankara- Women in Ankara will take to the streets on International Women’s Day poverty, insecurity, war, femicide, harassment, sexual abuse, and attacks on their gained rights. They will wear their colorful clothes and carry the photographs of many killed women such as Şule Çet, Ceren Damar, Şeyma Yıldız. We talked to Ankara Women’s Platform member Fatma Kılıçarslan about the platform’s program and women’s demands.
· Women are killed all around the world every day just for being women. Women try to survive not to live everywhere, on the streets, at their workplaces, at their homes… What will be your demands about this issue?
This year, the primary demands of women are the effective implementation of the Istanbul Convention. The Istanbul Convention prevents domestic violence, protects women’s right to life. But recently, the AKP and its ally MHP have discussed the abolishment of the convention. As all women living in Turkey, we organized protests and activities to demand the effective implementation of the Istanbul Convention. We told women how the Istanbul Convention is important and vital. We exchanged ideas, held forums in parks. Mostly, we faced the attacks of police but we never gave up.
“We will come together at Sakarya Avenue on March 8, at 14:30”
· Could you tell us your program for International Women’s Day?
We will come together with all women in Ankara at Sakarya Avenue on March 8, at 14:30. Before March 8, we will organize activities, events and we will distribute leaflets. Every day, we come together with women in neighborhoods. This year, we will take to the streets with the slogan, “We are rising for our freedom against discrimination, poverty, male and state violence.”The poverty among women has increased due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and the language used by the media and politicians has reflected in every sphere of life. This language increases discrimination. For this reason, our struggle against male and state violence will continue.
“33 women stand trial”
· Violence against women increases. What is the reason for it?
The biggest reason for this is the state's immunity policy for crimes, violence, and sexual abuse against women. Murderers and rapists don’t receive deterrent punishment. They are protected by the male judiciary. They are encouraged. The male state protects murderers of women while it uses violence against women defending their lives. We (Ankara Women’s Platform’s members) were forcibly detained for organizing a protest saying, “Istanbul Convention keeps alive” and a lawsuit was opened against us. I stand trial along with my 33 women friends for demanding the effective implementation of the Istanbul Convention. We face up to three years in prison.
“Women’s struggle is being illegalized”
· The elimination of violence against women will be possible if the state and political authorities take responsibility and work with NGOs to put the necessary social policies into practice. What do you think?
The Minister of Family and Social Policies says violence against women is exaggerated. Politicians struggle for their rights every day. First of all, they have to admit that there is femicide in this country and that it has turned into gendercide. Politicians should stop targeting women. Women activists are being arrested. Women’s struggle is being illegalized. The legitimacy of the women’s struggle and how it is vital must be recognized. Murderers of women shouldn’t be protected. Workshops about social gender equality should be held everywhere.”