Women’s expectations for 2024: Peace, freedom, welfare and justice
Answering the “What do you expect from 2024?” question, women of Amed said they expected peace, justice and freedom while drawing attention to the economic crisis and the increase in violence against women.

Amed (Diyarbakır)- For the people living in Turkey, 2023 is the year full of earthquakes, floods, general elections, femicide, deepening economic crisis and the struggle against them. The social and political crisis in the country has affected everyone. NuJINHA spoke to some women of Amed about their expectations for 2024.
Almost all women pointed to the economic crisis and the increase in violence against women and said that they did not experience a peaceful moment in 2023. Wishing peace and welfare for 2024, the women said, “A world without violence is possible.”
‘I wish a life without violence and exploitation’
Ayşe Alın: “First of all, I am against gender-based violence. As a woman, I do not want women to be subjected to violence. Unfortunately, there is little we can do to eliminate violence against women. As a woman, I dream of a new year without violence, having a high level of education and without an economic crisis. Women should be educated and improve themselves. The economic crisis affects everyone. We live in a rental house. I have been married for three years. In three years, we moved six times. We will probably move from our current house. I hope this crisis will end and the high cost of living will disappear. I want to have a better living condition for the future of my child.”
‘We wish peace and freedom’
Cayide Demirok: “Young people are unemployed. We wish for freedom and peace in 2024 without oppression and war. Today, the price of a loaf of white bread (125g) is 12 TL. Some people cannot even buy bread. The prices of all products are very high. My son is also unemployed. I hope all young people will have a job in 2024. We wish for peace and welfare in the world.”
‘All I wish is justice’
Hülya Güleş: “I wish all wars will end in 2024. People should not suffer from financial problems anymore. I want a better life in peace. Violence against women should end. Child abuse and femicide should end. All I wish for is justice.
‘I wish a world without violence in 2024’
Necla Batık: I wish a world without violence in 2024, better educational opportunities and a better future for our children. My children have no hope for their future. Every day, we make great efforts to make both ends meet. The economic crisis increases violence against women. Another problem is unemployment. All university graduates are unemployed; people cannot buy bread or a book for their children. 2023 has been a bad year for everyone. I lost my job after the earthquakes. We have had a bad year.”
‘We should resist despite everything’
Avjin Atar: We have faced many difficulties through 2023. We have suffered from male violence, economic crisis and oppression. As a woman, I have always protected myself against oppression. I am a university student. I looked for a job for a year to cover my expenses. I had a very bad time until I found a job. Women should be free. We should keep resisting until all women become free. The most important thing in this life is to resist and we, as women, should resist despite everything. Femicide should end now.”