Women of Sweida: We will continue to take to the streets
Women participating in the peaceful protests in Sweida say they will continue to take to the streets until their living conditions are improved.

Sweida- The people of Sweida began to hold peaceful protests over the high inflation rate and deteriorating economic situation in Syria on August 17, 2023. Since then, thousands of people have been gathered at the Karama Square of Sweida to voice their demands. Yesterday, more than two thousands of protesters gathered at the square and demanded the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254.
‘The government plunders resources while we couldn't even afford a loaf of bread’
Sahar Al-Saadawi, one of the protesters, is worried about her children’s future due to the deteriorating economic situation in Syria. “The government plunders resources while we couldn’t even afford a loaf of bread. The ongoing power and natural gas outages double our suffering. Deteriorating living conditions reveal injustice. We are not afraid of the Ba'ath Party. All women should take to the streets to demand their rights,” she told NuJINHA.
‘The regime does not want people to have a good life’
Ayda Al-Muhayt participates in the peaceful protests every day despite her advanced age. “The regime of Assad does not want people to have a good life. The regime has sold and divided our country. I will continue to take to the streets every day because Syrian people live in tents despite extremely cold weather without receiving any support.”
‘We wait outside for hours to get food for our family’
Jana Sayha complained about the high inflation rate and deteriorating economic situation. “We wait outside for hours to get food for our family. For 12 years, we have suffered from poverty and the high cost of living. Our living conditions are deteriorating every day,” said Jana Sayha, calling on all women to “take to the streets to demand a free life.