University student: Dormitories, faculties and cafes have become facilities used for special war policies
Elif Delal Alakuş spoke about Xeta Jinê (Women’s Line) founded by female university students on November 25 and said, “Our aim is to raise awareness among young people against special war and assimilation policies.”

Amed- Female university students announced that they founded Xeta Jinê (Women's Line) on November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to draw attention to the role of young women against occupation, isolation and war. Under the umbrella of Xeta Jinê, female university students will fight special war policies and the patriarchal mindset.
In an interview with NuJINHA, Elif Delal Alakuş, a university student and member of the Xeta Jinê, called on all women to be in solidarity with each other.
Indicating that the AKP-MHP fascist regime has tried to implement many of its dirty policies on society, especially for eight years, Elif Delal Alakuş said, “Young women are targeted by these policies because young women play a leading role. These policies use individual freedom, fake love and affection to target young women. The disappearance of Gülistan Doku shows this. Dormitories, faculties and cafes have become special war facilities.”
‘We will use self-defense against the tyrant and rapist system’
Speaking about the aim of the policies, she said, “The aim is to disconnect us from our culture, language and social life in order to create ‘acceptable women’. We have no alternative other than resisting systematic attacks against us. We founded Xeta Jinê against the tyrant and rapist system. We will use self-defense against this system. We will organize ourselves with the perspective of ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadi’ and we are determined to crown the women’s resistance spreading all around the world.”
“Our aim is to raise awareness among young people’
Underlining that the aim of Xeta Jinê is to raise awareness among young people against special war and assimilation policies, Elif Delal Karakuş said, “We will carry out activities across Kurdistan targeted by special war policies. Accessing drugs in Kurdistan cities has become much easier than meeting basic needs. Drugs are sold in cafés, campuses and dormitories to keep young people away from politics and struggle. Our aim is to raise awareness against these policies. We will always resist assimilation, isolation, occupation and war. We call on all women, especially young women, whose hearts beat for freedom, to support Xeta Jinê.”