Turkey: Men kill 39 women in May
In Turkey, 39 women were killed by men and 23 more died under suspicious circumstances in May, according to the report released by Jinnews.

News Center- According to the news compiled by Jinnews, an all-women’s news agency based in Amed (Diyarbakır), from local and national newspapers, news websites and news agencies, 39 women were killed by men and 23 more died under suspicious circumstances in May.
‘The cases of gender-based violence have increased in quake-affected cities’
In the report, the news agency highlighted the increase in the cases of gender-based violence in the cities affected by the February 6 earthquakes.
In May, 39 women and a child were killed, 23 women and three children died under suspicious circumstances in May, according to the report. “Two women were killed by men on the excuse that they asked for a divorce, four women were killed by their ex-husbands, 12 by their husbands, two by their ex-partners, four by their partners, four women by their sons, four by their relatives, two by their brothers, three by men they knew, two women were killed by men they did not know,” the report said.
Cities where men killed women
According to the report, six women were killed in Adana, nine in Istanbul, one in Malatya, five in Antalya, two in Izmir, two in Muğla, two in Konya, three in Amed (Diyarbakır), one in Dîlok (Antep), one in Trabzon, one in Kocaeli, one in Van and one in Kırşehir.