Thousands of women gather for women of Afghanistan and Shengal
Women’s organizations in North and East Syria held a rally in Qamishlo to support the campaign launched by the Kurdistan Women’s Communities (KJK) for women of Afghanistan and Shengal (Sinjar).

Qamishlo- The Kurdistan Women’s Communities (Komalên Jinên Kurdistan-KJK) Coordination announced on July 31 that they would run a campaign from August 3 to August 15 to mark the anniversary of the ISIS attacks on Shengal on August 3 and the Taliban's seizure of power in Afghanistan on August 15 with the motto, “We Stand with Afghan women and women of Shengal against male attacks of hegemony”. Many events and activities have been held across North and East Syria to support the campaign. Yesterday, a rally was held in the city of Qamishlo with the participation of thousands of women.
Carrying banners reading, “Jin, Jiyan, Azadi (Women, Life, Freedom)”, “Long live the struggling women” and “Towards Women’s Revolution with Jin, Jiyan, Azadî” gathered at 12th March Stadium in Qamishlo.
During the rally, Remziye Muhammed, coordinating member of Kongra Star made a speech. “August is the month of resurrection and resistance for the Kurdish people; however, the enemy has turned this month into a month full of massacres and genocide. The enemy aimed to commit a genocide especially against the Yazidi community. This genocide started in Shengal on August 3. Thousands of women, children and old people were brutally killed. Thousands were abducted; thousands of women and girls were sold in slave markets. Abducted children were trained to fight their people. The Yazidi community organized themselves and formed their self-government. They formed their own defense units such as YJŞ (Shengal Women’s Units). Their unity and resistance are their response to the attacks of ISIS and the betrayal of the KDP (Kurdistan Democratic Party)” she said in her speech.
Recalling the promise of YPJ (Women’s Defense Units) to protect the women of Shengal, Remziye Muhammed said, “They have rescued hundreds of women until now. The people of Rojava always stand by the Yazidi people. They have made great efforts to heal the wounds of the Yazidi people. This is the biggest response to the betrayal.”
‘We stand by Afghan women’
Highlighting that Afghan women have the power to protect their cities, neighborhoods and villages by forming their own defense units, Remziye Muhammed said, “As women of Rojava, North and East Syria, we will always stand by Afghan women.”
Pointing to the importance of the unity of women, she added, “If women of Rojava, four parts of Kurdistan, Shengal, Afghanistan and all around the world do not unite, conspiracy and betrayal can destroy us. Our unity can protect us from all kinds of attacks, violence and femicide. Women all around the world should support the campaign launched by the KJK. We follow the philosophy of ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadi” created by leader Apo (Abdullah Öcalan). We will ensure freedom for women and society by chanting, ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadi’.”
‘Women should unite and build their own confederalism’
Ebla Xelil, member of the Women's Coordination in the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, also made a speech during the rally. “After August 3, Yazidi women understood that they would face many attacks if they did not have their own defense units. They gained experience from the revolution in Rojava. They organized themselves and formed their own defense units. Afghan women are again dressed in black after 20 years and gaining many achievements. Throughout history, women always become the victims of wars and conflicts. Many crimes are committed against them and their rights are ignored. We call on all women to unite and build their own confederalism.”
The rally ended after the performance of the women’s theatre group of the Martyr Darsi Hilala Zêrîn.