‘The proposed amendments to the Iraqi Personal Status Law are a threat to women’s lives’
Iraqi and Yazidi women say that the lives of women and children would be ignored by the proposed amendments to the Iraqi Personal Status Law no. 188 of 1959. “The amendments are a threat to women’s lives.”

News Center- Some Shiite parties have submitted a bill to amend the Iraqi Personal Status Law Noç188 of 1959 to the Iraqi Parliament on Sunday. The proposed amendments, which would legalize child marriage, spark discussions in the country.
Many women’s organizations and human rights defenders have issued statements demanding the parliament to reject the proposed amendments that would turn the clock back on women and children in Iraq. Some Iraqi and Yazidi women have issued a press statement saying that the proposed amendments to the law are a threat to the life of every woman living in Iraq.
“The Iraqi Parliament discusses the proposed amendments to the Iraqi Personal Status Law no. 188 of 1959. Iraqi laws have no space for women's rights. Current laws do not mention women's freedom and gender equality,” the statement said. “All laws are drafted and approved by men. The proposed amendments in the Personal Status Law are a threat to women’s lives. Laws about women, children and their rights are drafted by men.”
A threat to the life of every woman living in Iraq
Emphasizing that the proposed amendments are a threat to the life of every woman living in Iraq, the statement said, “Women have no right to protect them. The proposed amendments aim to establish gender inequality so that men would make decisions for women more. In Iraq, women are at risk in all facets of life. Women’s rights are violated in all facets of life, including in politics, economy and education. The proposed amendments aim to reduce the legal age of marriage for girls.
“We are in the 21st century and this century is the century of women's freedom. Women struggle with the ‘Women, Life, Freedom’ philosophy all over the world, resisting the patriarchal mindset. Instead of hearing the voices of women for freedom, Iraq discusses the proposed amendments that would pave the way for femicide.”
Demanding the parliament to reject the proposed amendments, the women said, “We call on all women’s organizations to raise their voices against the proposed amendments. The marriage of 9-year-old girls must not be legalized, they deserve to play and go to school.”