Suspicious death of woman in Kağızman
The number of the suspicious death of women has increased in Turkey. A woman has been found dead in the Kağızman district of Kars province.

Kars- Hanife Demir, who was forced to get engaged to a violent man by her family, has been found dead in the Kağızman district of Kars province.
18-year-old Hanife Demir has been found dead in the Karabağ village of Kars’ Kağızman district. According to received reports, Halime Demir was forced to get engaged to a man named Tayfun four months ago. After getting engaged, she was subjected to violence by both the man and her family members. Halime Demir is claimed to kill herself. An investigation has been opened into the incident.
300 women were killed by men and another 171 women were found dead under suspicious circumstances in Turkey in 2020, says We Will Stop Femicide Platform.