Message from DEM Party Women’s Council about World Kobanê Day
“Targeting on Kobanê is an attack on women's gains and equal and free life that has been built,” the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Women’s Council said in a statement on World Kobanê Day.

Ankara- The Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Women’s Council has released a statement on World Kobanê Day. “We salute the resistance and revolution led by women against the attacks of ISIS on Kobanê in 2014,” the statement said.
The new life built based on a democratic, ecological, women's freedom paradigm has been the source of inspiration for women all over the world, the statement indicated. “We will continue to be in solidarity with the women of Kobanê, who fight for an equal and free life. The airstrikes by the AKP-MHP war alliance on North and East Syria are an attack on women’s gains. Those who always attack the people and women of Kobanê to maintain their power will never be successful. Targeting Kobanê is an attack on women’s gains and equal and free life that has been built (in Kobanê).
‘We will frustrate the attacks’
“Women will not allow you to maintain your power through war politics. Together with the women of Kobanê, we will frustrate the attacks of the fascist government, which cannot tolerate the life built based on women’s freedom in Kobanê. Today is a day of solidarity with women, who light the darkness with their historic resistance and courage against rising misogyny and the walls of fear built all over the world, especially in the Middle East. Long live the Kobanê Revolution.”