Member of Jineology Academy: We must defend the gains of the revolution in Rojava
Necibe Qeredaxi, member of Jineology Academy, called to defend the gains of the revolution led by women in Rojava.

Sulaymaniyah- NuJINHA spoke to Necibe Qeredaxi, member of the Jineology Academy in the Kurdistan Region (of Iraq) about the fall of the Assad’s regime, the recent developments in Syria and the ongoing attacks on North and East Syria. The overthrow of any dictator in the Middle East is important, she said. “Because dictatorial regimes have built their systems on the enslavement of women for thousands of years.”
Noting that overthrowing dictatorial regimes is important to build a democratic future in Middle Eastern countries, Necibe Qeredaxi said, “We should see the risks and opportunities of the fall of Assad’s regime together and focus on the threats against people of all nationalities, especially women. The attacks of the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions on North and East Syria continue to kill civilians. The displaced people of Afrin have been displaced for the second time.”
‘We must defend the gains of the revolution in Rojava’
Commenting on the attacks of Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), she said, “Not only the HTS poses a threat but also the neighboring countries such as the Turkish state pose a threat to the people of Syria. People from different nationalities have been living in a democratic system under the umbrella of the Autonomous Administration for over 12 years. This system defends the rights of nature, women and people based on a free and equal life.
‘This system is a role model for the whole world’
The system in North and East Syria is one of the gains of the revolution in Rojava, Necibe Qeredaxi stressed, adding: “The people of North and East Syria defend and improve the revolution. This system is a role model for the whole world. As the women of Southern Kurdistan, we must defend the gains of the revolution led by women in Rojava. We cannot wait for what will happen in Syria. The people living in four parts of Kurdistan must unite and rise up against the attacks on the gains of the revolution.”