‘Massacres will not make the Kurdish people take a step back’
“Massacre will not make the Kurdish people take a step back,” said TJA activist Nazile Tursun while talking about the massacre that took place in Paris on December 23.

Amed - On December 23, 2022, a gun attack was carried out against the Ahmet Kaya Kurdish Cultural Center in Paris. The Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council Member Emine Kara, Mîr Perwer (Mehmet Şirin Aydın) and Abdurrahman Kızıl lost their lives in the massacre. Kurdish women point to the similarities of the massacre that took place on December 23, 2022 and the massacre that took place in Paris on January 9, 2013 against three Kurdish women, Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez.
Nazile Tursun, activist of the Free Women’s Movement (Kurdish: Tevgera Jinên Azad-TJA), stated that the attacks were carried out against Kurdish women and Kurdish people. “The male-dominant system always targets resisting individuals. There are similarities of the second Paris Massacre with the massacre that took place against three Kurdish women on January 9, 2013,” she said.
‘The massacres were deliberately organized’
Noting that the two massacres were openly committed against revolutionary and resisting people, Nazile Tursu said, “We know that the massacres are directly related to the ongoing threats and attacks of the current AKP-MHP fascism. Even though it is said that the massacre on December 23 was a racist attack, their similarities show that the massacres were deliberately organized and planned by the MIT (Turkish National Intelligence Organization). They want to cover the massacre up by saying that it was an ordinary racist attack. They want to cover up the dark forces behind the massacre. If the French government had revealed the massacre in 2013, the second massacre would not have been committed.”
Noting that they have faced a mentality that threatens the organized women’s struggle and does not hesitate to kill them when it has an opportunity, Nazile Tursun said, “The massacre on December 23 is an ordinary action for AKP-MHP.”
‘Massacres will not make the Kurdish people take a step back’
Pointing out that the anger of the Kurdish people has been growing against the ongoing attacks, Nazile Tursun said that the Kurdish people would never take a step back. “The latest statement of (Turkish) Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu was a clear statement saying that they were actually behind this massacre. They try to break the will of the Kurdish people by carrying out attacks both inside and outside of Turkey. But massacre will not make the Kurdish people take a step back. On the contrary, their attacks will increase the Kurdish people’s anger even more. Their anger will destroy the AKP-MHP fascism.”
‘The system attacks women in fear of losing’
Mentioning that the Kurdish women's struggle and the philosophy “Jin Jiyan Azadi” inspiring women all around the world still scare the male-dominant system, she said, “Women struggle against the male-dominant system by taking to the streets and resisting. For this reason, this system attacks women in the fear of losing its power. In all countries, the patriarchal mentality attacks women because it does not want an alternative system that will be built by women against its system. Today, the women’s uprising that started in Iran following the killing of Jina Mahsa Amini and the philosophy ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadi’ have spread all over the world. Today, Afghan women resist the Taliban. There is a women’s struggle for freedom all around the world.”
‘The resistance of Kurdish women instills hope’
Pointing out that the 21st century will be the century of women and the Kurdish people, Nazile Tursun said that because of this, the ruling parties attack these groups the most. “Despite all the attacks, women take to the streets to demand their rights and freedom. In Turkey, women always take to the streets in order to challenge fascism. For this reason, the ruling party targets women; women are arrested and detained. The murder of Nagihan Akarsel and the massacre in Paris were just two attacks of the ruling party against women. Today, Kurdish women are targeted because the resistance of Kurdish women instills hope everywhere.”