Iranian government prevents women from launching aid campaign for earthquake victims
The aid campaign planned to be launched by some women in the city of Sardasht has been prevented by the Iranian government. “We feel sad for not helping earthquake victims,” the women said.

Rojîn Kadrî
Sardasht- Two major earthquakes centered in Maraş have also affected the cities of Rojava and Northern Kurdistan, causing tens of thousands of people to become homeless. People all around the world have launched aid campaigns to help earthquake victims and heal their wounds. Some women living in Sardasht, city of Rojhilat Kurdistan, also wanted to launch an aid campaign to be in solidarity with the earthquake victims; however, the Iranian government does not allow the fundraising campaign.
‘Our aid campaign is prevented’
Speaking about their campaign, Sahar Moloudi, an activist in the city of Sardasht, said, “After the earthquakes in Bakur and Rojava, we thought of launching a campaign to collect aid for earthquake victims; however, the Iranian government does not allow us to launch it. Activists want to help the earthquake victims and heal their wounds.”
‘We feel sad for not helping the earthquake victims’
“As women of Rojhilat, we feel sad for not be able to help and support the earthquake victims in Bakur and Rojava,” activist Fatemeh Bayzidi said, “I got in contact with my relatives living in Germany and asked them to help and support the earthquake victims by getting in contact with Heyva Sor a Kurd (the Kurdish Red Crescent).”