Displaced Palestinian woman: We are dying slowly
“We are dying slowly,” said Hidaya Hassanein, a displaced Palestinian woman taking refuge in a tent, southern Gaza. “We are 16 people living in a tent for seven people.”

Gaza- Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip have entered their 11th months, killing more than 40,000 Palestinians, injuring thousands and displacing millions. Tens of thousands of people displaced from the north have already sought refuge there in schools and tents in southern Gaza, facing difficult living conditions. Displaced Palestinian women and children struggle to survive without basic needs.
‘Living in tents is like dying slowly’
Hidaya Hassanein, a displaced Palestinian woman, describes the life in tents as “Dying slowly”. “We have been living in a tent for seven months. In summer, our suffering increases. Maybe winter will be better, we do not know. Living in tents is like dying slowly. Only those who live in tents can understand what I mean. Before the war, we had a big house and everyone had a room. The tents only have a few beds, pillows and boxes with essential items.”
‘There is no privacy for women’
Thousands of women and children have been killed in bombardments for months, Hidaya Hassanein told NuJINHA. “No one knows how women cook, wash their clothes and the dishes in tents. In addition, there is no privacy for women in tents; women have no privacy spaces. There is chaos in the camp and women face difficulties especially during their menstruation. The tents are made of pieces of fabric and nylon and do not protect us from cold and hot weather. Women and children suffer from skin diseases due to the lack of water and hygiene.”
16 people live in a tent for seven people
Due to the lack of a sewage system, the displaced people also suffer from insects, snakes and scorpions. “Women and children cannot sleep at night for fear of scorpions and snakes. Going to the toilet also becomes a nightmare for us. We are 16 people living in a tent for seven people. I cannot stand living like this anymore.”