Campaign against femicides launched by 73 women’s organizations
73 women’s organizations around the world have issued a written statement and announced that they have launched a campaign against femicides. The statement has been signed by 73 women’s organizations and 181 persons. “We want to unveil and denounce the root of these femicides against our pioneers and precursors of the time of freedom. We want to collectively read the context to know why we are being killed. We want to expose the structures of power that promote and benefit from our criminalization, finger-pointing, and death. We want to interchange experiences of our own justice that from the territories is overflowing the patriarchal, colonial, state, racist, capitalist (in) justice,” says the statement.

News Center- Women’s organizations in many countries such as Colombia, Paraguay, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and the Philippines has issued a written statement titled, “Weaving Ourselves for Life: Stopping Feminicides. For the lives of our pioneers and precursors. Not one more feminicide.” In the statement signed by 73 women’s organizations and 181 persons, it is said, “All feminicide is political, it is a product of the relations of power and domination that the patriarchal system has established over the last 5,000 years. From then until now, the alliance of religion, state and military continues to subjugate the land, the people and the women.”
The statement continues as follows;
“All these murders are an expression of a dominant mentality that only accepts its right to property, and consequently, meek and silent obedience of women. All these murders indicate how ruthless are the powers-that-be who aim to curb the power of the toiling majority, how despotic are the ruling class against toiling class women and the rest of the marginalized sectors. Tyranny and militarism, assault, and invasion control the world, targeting those who dissent and defend their rights.
“They are targeted because of their leading role”
“We witness a clear increase of political murders perpetrated by nation-states, paramilitary forces, and state-owned enterprises against female political and community leaders worldwide on behalf of transnational economic interests. If we look at the profile of the women that are murdered in assassinations, we see that they have a certain vanguard role in organizing and leading the struggle against exploitation. Activists, intellectuals, lawyers, journalists, artists, revolutionaries, and politicians who defend their homeland, collective territory, and their living environment as representatives of women’s rights, human rights, indigenous people. They are targeted because of their leading role within their organizations and communities facing the greed of economic interests.
“We want to unveil and denounce the root of these femicides”
“Enough! We can't take it anymore!!! That is why we have decided to weave ourselves to life to take care of each other and stop femicides; particularly those against women who understand this and fight against this, for our freedom as humanity.
So, as the women that we are: We want to unveil and denounce the root of these femicides against our pioneers and precursors of the time of freedom. We want to collectively read the context to know why we are being killed. We want to expose the structures of power that promote and benefit from our criminalization, finger-pointing, and death. We want to interchange experiences of our own justice that from the territories is overflowing the patriarchal, colonial, state, racist, capitalist (in)justice. We want to join autonomous tribunals that have already set historical examples for the struggle and defense of women defenders.
“We continue to fight for life in spite of the death that is imposed on us”
“We, descendants of burned and liberated witches, granddaughters of colonized and enslaved women, daughters of civilized and citizenized women, are heirs of millenary wisdoms, we are caretakers of our territorialities and from different spheres, we continue to fight for life in spite of the death that is imposed on us. We are those who summon ourselves to weave ourselves here and now, from a critical and self-critical perspective that allows us to organize ourselves and move together against feminicides, to recognize, confront and overcome the patriarchal pact.
“We know about the systematic, the common patterns and the impunity that exists everywhere”
“We know about the systematic, the common patterns and the impunity that exists everywhere. We know about the countless organizations, initiatives, and campaigns around the world that are investigating, exposing, and denouncing feminicides now, and those that have done so throughout history. We know about the courts and their efforts to exercise justice against the state and transnational corporations. For this reason, our intention is not to create yet another structure or monopolize the struggle against feminicides, but to organize ourselves internationally as the women that we are, to weave ourselves together in defense of women defenders. To commit ourselves and do whatever it takes to put an end to feminicides of pioneers and precursors that are destroying social struggles.
“We will promote a campaign against feminicides by building on the sisterhood and solidarity between organizations”
“To begin this process, we will promote a campaign against feminicides by building on the sisterhood and solidarity between organizations, on the trust and affinity between women and on the ethical and political commitment that calls us all to make justice against the injustice suffered by us women in the world. For all of this and for all that cannot be mentioned of anger, pain, and inspiration, we propose as an essential principle that this effort against the assassination of pioneer and precursor women belong to all of us who commit ourselves to this. Let no one assume ownership of what belongs to all of us, and we assume each one of us: life, justice, and the struggle for our freedom.”
1. Acción Afro-Dominicana, Dominic Republic
2. Acid Magazine - Feminist Publication
3. Afro Las Malungas Women's Collective, Colombia
4. Alianza Ceibo Foundation, Ecuador - Alicia Salazar, Executive Director
5. Alternative Vision, A.C., Mexico
6. Amazon Frontlines - AF
7. Antipatriarchal Communitarian Feminism, Qullasuyu, Marka, Bolivia
8. Anti-patriarchal Community Feminism
9. Aquelarre, visual communication and design laboratory, Popayán, Cauca, Colombia
10. Autonomous Women and Dissidents of the Committee of Solidarity with Kurdistan, Mexico City
11. Casafem, Paraguay
12. CEPLA Ecuador
13. Chimborazo Provincial Preparatory Committee for the 3rd International Meeting of ALyC Women. Brazil 2022.
14. Collective Ana Peralta, Ecuador
15. Chiapas Women's Rights Center, Mexico
16. Colectiva Caracol Artesanal, Mexico
17. Collective of Anthropology of Ecuador
18. Collective Café de Mujeres, Mexico
19. Collective Not One Less - Buenos Aires, Argentina
20. Commune Women Ecuador
21. Committee of solidarity with Kurdistan - Ecuador
22. Community practices for the rescue of memory and Life. Women fighting Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico
23. CONCONAWEP - Coordinating Council of the Waorani Nationality of Ecuador-Pastaza, Nemonte Nenquimo, President
24. Coordinator of peasant and indigenous women, Paraguay
25. Courage, Germany
26. Dissident Cholas, Chile
27. Diversa House, Paraguay
28. Feminism, gender, intersectionality and political subjects, Master's degree in education and human rights from UNAULA, Colombia
29. Feminist citizen collective "Don't wait for it to happen to you", Ecuador
30. Feminist Runas Collective, Ecuador
31. GABRIELA National Alliances of Filipino Women, Philippines
32. Insurgent Women's Network, Mexico
33. #keinemehr (Germany)
34. Kongreya Star, Rojava - North East Syria
35. Kufa e.V., Germany
36. Kuña Sororas Collective, Paraguay
37. Kurdish Women’s Relations Office (REPAK), Iraqi Kurdistan
38. Latin American Association for Alternative Development, ALDEA, Ecuador
39. Latin American Feminist Network: community spaces for self-care Ecuador
40. Latin American Network against gender violence, regional
41. Macarena, Colombia
42. Madre Tierra Newspaper, Medellín, Colombia
43. Mapuche women's network Trawun pu zomo, Cholchol commune, Wallmapu
44. MuMaLa-Women of the Latin American Matria, Argentina
45. MundoSur, regional
46. Ñotyhara feminist collective, Paraguay
47. OSU Women, Paraguay
48. Platform of Feminist University Women - PUF, Paraguay
49. Pocho house cultural still life, Ludueña, Rosario, Argentina
50. Politically Incorrect Collective, Mexico
51. Popular Female Front, Ecuador
52. Red Colectivas Feministas de Michoacán, Mexico.
53. Relatives and companions of victims and survivors of femicides, Ecuador.
54. Resistance Theater, Chile
55. Ruda Collective Feminist Ecuador
56. SERUNI, Indonesia
57. SETAA Communities - Planters of Territories, Waters and Autonomies, affected by Hidroituango
58. Siona Buenavista Indigenous Reservation, Colombia
59. Socio-environmental Committee of the 8M Feminist Coordinator, Chile
60. Stop Honor Killings, Iran
61. Sycorax Collective, Quito, Ecuador
62. Team for addressing gender violence of La Red Agroecológica, Paraguay
63. The Purple Comadres, Venezuela
64. Women and the Sixth, Mujeres y La Sexta, Mexico
65. Women’s Council of the Future Party, North East Syria
66. Women Corporation, San Pedro de la Paz, Wallmapu
67. Women for Change, Ecuador
68. Women from Alternative Vision, Mujeres de Visión Alternativa, Mexicali, BC, Mexico
69. Women’s Initiative Against Feminicide and Occupation, MENA Region
70. Women's House - Bañado Tacumbu, Paraguay
71. Women Movement for Water and Territories (central zone), Chile
72. Women’s Network, Sweden
73. Women of Somos Cerro Blanco, Chile
74. Women's Organization of Santa Úrsula
1. Ajal Yaakun Feminist Collective, Mexico
2. Alehli Sánchez Paz, "Science for the people" and "Network of resistance and rebellion" Tlalpan, Mexico
3. Alejandra Delgado, Ecuador
4. Alejandra Ramirez Bravo, Ecuador
5. Alejandra Rubí Villalobos Flores, ANIMO Jalisco, National Assembly for the Independence of Mexico
6. Alejandra Yépez Jácome, Ecuador
7. Alicia Ortega, Sycorax Collective, Quito, Ecuador
8. Alisson Cadena (Collective From the Margin)Ecuador
9. Alma Rosana Gutiérrez Ruiz, ANIMO Jalisco, National Assembly for the Independence of Mexico
10. Ana Carolina Henao Vargas, Medellin
11. Ana Carolina Herrera Galeano, Collective of Afro Las Malungas Women, Colombia
12. Ana Cisneros, Ecuador
13. Ana Elena Contreras, Collective Las del Aquelarre Feminista.
14. Ana Isabel González Correa, Colombia
15. Ana Sandoval, Mexico
16. Andrea Reinoso (Collective From the Margin)Ecuador
17. Angeles Almaguer, Ollin Collective
18. Angie Vanessita (Illustrator),Ecuador
19. Antonia Alemán Andrade, State of Mexico.
20. Anyi Sierra Yanéz Montería, Colombia
21. Araceli Mondragón Sánchez, human rights defender, CDMX, MEXICO
22. Araceli Osorio Martínez - Human Rights Defender - Mexico City
23. Beatriz Rivero Martínez, 12 Native Peoples of Tecamac, State of Mexico
24. Beatriz Torres Beristain, Xalapa, Veracruz
25. Bertha Díaz, Sycorax Collective, Quito, Ecuador
26. Betty Ruth Lozano-Lerma, black woman, Cali, Colombia
27. Betty Varela (Collective From the Margin)Ecuador
28. Blanca López, Mexico
29. Carla Casas Bolivia
30. Carolina Bedoya Soto, Medellin
31. Carmen Mora Villalpando, Alina Sánchez School of Community Health
32. Carolina Morales, Colombia
33. Catalina Duque Martínez, Medellin, Colombia
34. Catherine Walsh, academic and activist, Ecuador
35. Catla Santana Bustamante, journalist, Social Convergence, Chile
36. Caterin Andrea David Benitez, Colombia
37. Cecilia Jaramillo Jaramillo, Ecuador
38. Cindy Borrero Velásquez, Medellin
39. Clara Cruz Gómez, Collective Cereza Chiapas, Mexico.
40. Claudia Muñiz, Communist Party, Mexico.
41. Cristina Cucurí Miñarcaja, Provincial Re of Kichwa Women's Organizations of Chimborazo-Ecuador.
42. Cristina Llanquileo Romero, Mapuche, Wallmapu, Chile.
43. Cristina Tobón, Medellin, Colombia
44. Daniela Alcívar, Sycorax Collective, Quito, Ecuador
45. Daniela Zárate, Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Mexico, Ddeser Querétaro.
46. Darly Johanna García, Association of environmentalist peasant women, ASMUCACD,
47. Derly Constanza Cuetia Dagua, Nasa woman, Colombia
48. Diana Aranguré, “Mujeres Tierra” and “Mexicali Resiste”, Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico
49. Diana Cristina Rubio Rodríguez, ANIMO Jalisco, National Assembly for the Independence of Mexico
50. Diana Patricia Álvarez Urrego, Colombia
51. Dolores Patricia Castellanos Zavala, San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas; Mexico.
52. Durley Pérez Sandoval, La Estrella, Antioquia
53. Edith Na savi Herrera Martínez, Guerrero Mountain, Tikoso Cultural Center, Mexico
54. Elizabeth Contreras, Querétaro, Mexico.
55. Elizabeth López Canelas Quechua - Bolivia
56. Elsie Monge (Ecumenical Commission for Human Rights CEDHU, Ecuador
57. Elvira Madrid Romero, Street Brigade in Support of Women, "Elisa Martínez", A.C. Mexico
58. Epiphany Pérez Vázquez, Mexico.
59. Erandi Villavicencio, Ecuador
60. Eréndira Magaly Romo Pedroza, Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Mexico, Ddeser Jalisco
61. Ericka Zamora Pardo, Solidarity Network Decade Against Impunity, Mexico City
62. Erika Arteaga Cruz (mother of two wawas: Flavia and Lucas), Ecuador
63. Estefanía Terán (From the Margin Collective)Ecuador
64. Eulogia Tapia - Observatory for the Enforceability of Women's Rights - La Paz Bolivia
65. Eva Tovar Hirashima, California, USA
66. Evelyn López Simental, Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Mexico, Ddeser Jalisco
67. Fabiola Raquel Antillón Castellanos. San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.
68. Fernanda Navarro, Mexico
69. Francisca Fernández Droguett Chile
70. Frida María Villalobos Balderas, Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Mexico, Ddeser Querétaro.
71. Gabriela Aguilar Martín, ANIMO Jalisco, National Assembly for the Independence of Mexico
72. Gabriela Cárdenas Flores, Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Mexico, Ddeser Querétaro.
73. Gabriela Paz Arroyo, Biobío, Chile
74. Gabriela Ponce, Sycorax Collective, Quito, Ecuador
75. Geraldina Guerra Garcés, Ecuador
76. Gretel Galeano, Permanent Assembly for Human Rights Regional Catamarca, Argentina.
77. Helânia Thomazine Porto, Coletivo Mulheres Insubmissas, Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB), Brazil
78. Janeth Guerrero, Ecuador
79. Juana Calle Aymara Carangas Bolivia
80. Julia Palacios Perea, Association of the control bodies of the comptrollers' offices, ASDECCOL, Colombia
81. Juliana Centeno (From the Margin Collective)Ecuador
82. Juliana Díaz Lozano, Virginia Bolten Free Chair, Argentina.
83. Juliana Space, Paraguay
84. Julieth Arias Mesa, Illegal Element, Colombia
85. Katherine Garzón (Fight - Popular feminist organization)
86. Karina Rivas Cardona, sitARTE, art with meaning, Colombia
87. Karina Rivas are from Malunga, Afro Las Malungas Women's Collective, Colombia
88. Karla Vega (Fight - Popular Feminist Organization), Ecuador
89. Kattya Hernández, decul collective, Ecuador
90. Katy Alvarez, Ecuador
91. Kruskaya Hidalgom Ecuador
92. Laura Leaño Martínez, Medellín, Colombia
93. Laura Torres Martínez, Human Rights Defender, DF, Mexico, Erika Izbeth Martínez Romero, Human Rights Defender, C. D. M. X.
94. Leslie de la Cruz Onofre, Movement for Truth and Justice of relatives of missing persons from the "Dirty War" of the 60s, 70s and 80s of the last century in the State of Guerrero, Mexico
95. Laura Andrea Aristizábal Agudelo, Círculo Mujeres, University of Antioquia, Colombia
96. Lina Maria Espinosa, Rights Coordinator
97. Liz Torres (From the Margin Collective)Ecuador
98. Lluvia Cervantes, Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Mexico, Ddeser Querétaro.
99. Lucía Zavala Navarro, Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Mexico, Ddeser Jalisco, Mexico
100. Luz Mery González Caicedo, Popular Women's Network and Ruta Pacifica, Colombia
101. Maider Elortegui Uriarte, Mexico City
102. Mama Mercedes Tunubalá, Misak woman, Mayor of Silvia Cauca, Colombia
103. Mandeep Dhillon, Community Health Brigade 43, Veracruz, Mexico
104. Marcela Fernández Camacho, Collective Cereza Chiapas, Mexico
105. Marely Reyes Rodriguez, Collective Las del Aquelarre Feminista.
106. María Antonia Orrego Martínez La Ceja, University of Antioquia, Medellín
107. María auxiliadira Balladares, Sycorax Collective, Quito, Ecuador
108. María Cristina Montejo Briceño, Xunaan Institute, Mexico
109. María del Carmen López Almazán, CODEM, (Oaxaca)
110. María Elena Santos Bartolo, 43rd Community Health Brigade, Guerrero, Mexico
111. María Eugenia Ramírez Brisneda. Women for Peace, Colombia
112. María Fabiola Sandoval Noreña, Rionegro, Medellín
113. María José Machado Arevalo, Ecuador
114. María Leticia Mesa Ortiz, Pajaras, Colombia
115. María Rebeca Huitzil George, Puebla, Mexico
116. María Victoria Serna Henao, Peasant Association of Antioquia ACA, Colombia
117. Mariana Aguirre González, Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Mexico, Ddeser Jalisco, Mexico
118. Maribel Núñez, Afro-Dominican Action, Dominican Republic.
119. Maricarmen Ramírez Hernández | Mexico
120. Mariela Muñoz, Argentina
121. Marina Casales- Teacher- researcher. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - National University of Misiones (UNaM) - Argentine Republic.
122. Marisa Isabel Altamirano Díaz, Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Mexico, Ddeser Jalisco
123. Marisol Rodríguez, Ecuador
124. Marlyn Maca Sánchez, Cali, Colombia
125. Martha Desiree Barojas Ortuño Free Project: Education and Autonomy
126. Martha Figueroa, Mujeres Libres COLEM, AC, Mexico.
127. Matilde Ortuño Vilchis, Free Project: Education and Autonomy
128. Mayleth Echegollen Guzman
129. Melissa Ceja Covarrubias, Mexican Feminist Activist.
130. Metzeri Ixchel Avila San Martín - Veracruzano Front for the Life and Rights of Women - Mexico
131. Mireya Lara Saavedra. Provincial Coordination, Standing Committee on Human Rights of Working Women of Chimborazo.
132. Mishel Báez, Ecuador
133. Monica Pastrano, Ecuador
134. Monserrat Candia Rocha, Green Ecologist Party, Chile
135. Nancy Botero Areiza, University of Antioquia, Medellín
136. Nashielly Cortez, Mexico
137. Natalia Sierra, Ecuador
138. Nayibe Chavarriaga Álvarez, Medellin, Colombia
139. Nibid Osorio Correa, Medellin
140. Nuriluz Hermosilla Osorio, archaeologist, Santiago de Chile
141. N. Yumico Katiuzka, ANIMO Jalisco, National Assembly for the Independence of Mexico
142. Olga Sofía Villa Salazar, Colombia
143. Olivia Ortiz, ADAS, Mexico
144. Olowailli Green Santamaria, female Guna Dule, senARTE, Medellín.
145. Paola Maldonado Tobar, Geographer, Ecuador.
146. Paola Mendoza Lomelí, ANIMO Jalisco, National Assembly for the Independence of Mexico
147. Patricia Aracil Santos, Collective Cereza Chiapas, Mexico.
148. Patricia Carrión (Ecumenical Commission for Human Rights CEDHU)Ecuador
149. Patricia González Zuniga, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico North Border
150. Patricia Ortega, Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Mexico, Ddeser Jalisco
151. Perla Castillo-Solis, Mexico
152. Perla Orquidea Fragoso Lugo, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico
153. Rilda Paco Bolivia
154. Rodriguez Ojeda Lesly, Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Mexico, Ddeser Jalisco, Mexico
155. Ruth Elena Zubiria Pérez Colombia Humana Riohacha La Guajira
156. Ruth Ramírez Olivares, Ddeser Jalisco
157. Sara Critina Tejada Chávez - Popayán
158. Sara Kendall, Alina Sánchez School of Community Health, Vancouver, Canada
159. Sashenka Fierro Resendiz, Colectivo Comunidad Circular AC, from Ensenada, BC
160. Shaila Ruíz, Mexico
161. Silvia Aristizabal López, Theologian - Missionary
162. Silvia Pérez Echeverry, Plastic artist, Medellín
163. Silvia Reséndiz Flores, Colectivo Mujeres Tierra AC de Mexicali
164. Stephanie Altamirano (Fight - Popular Feminist Organization), Ecuador
165. Tamara Soledad Cuello, Work Presentation and Research "There is Something That Deserves to Live on This Land. Los 194 y 1 | 2" Social Psychologist, General Rodríguez, Argentina.
166. Tania Jocelyn Jiménez Mexía, Mexico
167. Tania Patricia Origel Covarrubias, Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Mexico, Ddeser Jalisco
168. Valentina Bermúdez Casas, Colombia
169. Valeria Olvera Perrusquía, Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Mexico, Ddeser Querétaro.
170. Veliz Zepeda, ANIMO Jalisco, National Assembly for the Independence of Mexico
171. Veronica Marin Martínez, ANIMO Jalisco, National Assembly for the Independence of Mexico
172. Verónica Rubí Beltrán Rizo, Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Mexico, Ddeser Jalisco
173. Vilma Rocío Almendra, Nasa / Misak woman, Cauca
174. Yanett Medrano Valdez, Puno, Peru
175. Yannia Sofía Garzón Valencia, Caretaker of Life, Colombia
176. Yendar Guadalupe Soto Flores, Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Mexico, Ddeser Querétaro.
177. Yolanda Fernández Godínez, Los Zurdos Collective, State of Mexico
178. Yolanda R. Arvizu, Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Mexico, Ddeser Querétaro.
179. Yoli Astrid Chantre, Nasa Thinking Thinking Women's Movement, Colombia.
180. Yuli Tatiana lan fuentes, San Antonio, Antioquia, Colombia
181. Yvets Morales Medina, Ecuador