58 quake survivor children stay in childcare centers
The Turkish Ministry of Family and Social Services has announced that 58 quake survivor children stay in childcare centers affiliated to the ministry and that two earthquake survivor children have been still unidentified.

News Center- The Turkish Ministry of Family and Social Services has released a statement about earthquake survivor children without their families on its official social media account.
According to the statement, 1,915 children without their families have been recorded until now. After the identification of 1,823 children, they reunited with their families and 22 more have been still under treatment at hospitals.
The statement said that 58 children have been taken to childcare centers affiliated to the ministry after their treatment was completed in hospitals.
“Two children, who have been staying in our childcare centers, have been still unidentified. According to our records, 11 children died while undergoing medical treatment in hospitals.” The statement also said that the ministry carried out works to find out the children reported as missing by their families. “After our work, it has been determined that 546 of missing children have died.”