‘42 journalists are still behind bars in Turkey’
In February 2024, 13 journalists were detained, three more were sent to prison in Turkey, said the report released by the Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (DFG). 42 journalists are still behind bars, according to the report.

News Center- The Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (DFG) has released a report on rights violations against journalists in February 2024. “The most notable issues in February were the detention of Kibriye Evren and Selamet Turan on February 9, five journalists in Izmir on February 13 and three journalists in Van on February 27,” the report said.
‘The aim is to prevent journalists from doing journalism’
Reminding that the journalists, who were detained in Izmir, were released under house arrest or judicial control, the report said, “It means, ‘We release you but prevent you from doing journalism’. We always say the aim is to prevent journalists from doing journalism and this decision exactly proves this. Apart from these detentions, the detention and arrest of PİRHA reporter Diren Keser in Mersin shows how the ruling party is afraid of journalists.”
‘We demand immediate release of all journalists’
The report also pointed out that no news has been received from Rojnews editor Suleyman Ahmed for 132 days since he was taken into custody by security forces in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Recalling the release of Dicle Müftüoğlu, Co-chair of the DFG, the report said:
“Why was Dicle Müftüoğlu held in pre-trial detention for 10 months? Is there a judicial body that can answer this question? Dicle is now with us but what will happen to the 10 months stolen from her? What kind of legal term will we use to explain this? Not only Dicle Müftüoğlu but also all journalists in prison are subjected to this unjust practice. Yes, journalists were released from prison in February but many journalists are still deprived of their freedom behind bars. We demand immediate release of all journalists.”
The report also listed the rights violations against journalists in February.
“*Four journalists were subjected to attacks, the houses of 11 journalists were raided.
*13 journalists were taken into custody, three journalists were sent to prison, and nine journalists were subjected to ill-treatment.
*Five journalists were prevented from doing their jobs.
*Investigations were launched against eight journalists, four journalists face a prison sentence of 20 years, six months and 18 days.
*Legal cases against 53 journalists continue.
*As of March 4, 2024, the number of journalists, who are behind bars, is 42.
* The Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) banned the broadcasting of 11 press outlets, closed down a website and blocked access to 30 press reports and 51 media contents.”