“I realize my own strength thanks to volleyball”
Expressing her love for volleyball, Serdem Volleyball Team member Jînda Hesen stated that she realizes her own strength and personality thanks to volleyball.

Qamishlo- Jînda Hesen, who lives in the Amuda town of Qamishlo and a member of the Serdem Volleyball Team, has played volleyball since she was 13. She has been working as a volleyball coach of an all-women volleyball team for seven years. Jînda Hesen, who discovered her love for volleyball with the support of her family, has joined many volleyball competitions held in Qamishlo, Latakia, Damascus and Hama and won the first place for three years.
“Solidarity is very important in this sport”
Speaking about her love for volleyball, Jînda Hesen began to play volleyball when she was 13.
“At that time, I didn't even know how to bump a volleyball. I learned how to play volleyball by working hard every day. My family supported me to play volleyball. The most important thing for me in this sport is to build a spirit of solidarity and friendship because volleyball is a team sport. This sport is also a very good activity for the health and fitness of individuals to have a long life. After receiving training from Cizre Region Sports Center for years, I formed a young women’s volleyball team named Serdem. Now we are an official team participating in volleyball matches.”
“Young women should play volleyball”
Giving information about the formation of the Sergem Volleyball Team, she said, “I formed the Sergem Volleyball Team to encourage young women in order to play volleyball. Due to the patriarchal mentality, many women do not realize their talents. By forming this team, I want to support young women to realize their strengths because I realize my strength thanks to volleyball. A volleyball team consists of six players. The volleyball matches are made up of two or three sets. Every year, we play in many matches in the canton and we generally win the first place in the matches. We also won first place in the championships held in Qamishlo, Latakia, Damascus and Hama.”
“A healthy life means healthy people”
Stating that she believes in her team, Jînda Hesen said, “I hope our team will always be successful. I have another project. I want to teach children how to play volleyball and form a children's volleyball team. Young women should play volleyball because a healthy life means healthy people.”