Parliamentary question by Green Left Party MP about sick prisoner Halise Aksoy
Green Left Party Amed MP Halide Türkoğlu submitted a parliamentary question about sick prisoner Halise Aksoy to be answered by Turkey’s Justice Minister Yılmaz Tunç. “Why is Halise Aksoy not released while her health condition has been deteriorating?”

Ankara- Green Left Party Amed MP Halide Türkoğlu submitted a parliamentary question about health condition of Halise Aksoy,56, who was detained as a part of investigation based in Diyarbakır on April 25 and then sent to prison on charges of “membership in a terrorist organization”.
She suffers from many health problems
In the parliamentary question, Halide Türkoğlu pointed out that Halise Aksoy was arrested over the testimony of a secret witness although there was no evidence. Halide Türkoğlu said that everyone remembers the photo of Halise Aksoy showing she received the bones of her son killed in armed conflict in a box. The parliamentary question also said that Halise Aksoy suffers from many health problems such as blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.
‘Why is she not released?’
The questions in the parliamentary question are as follows:
“* Does the Ministry know that Halise Aksoy has been held in prison over the testimony of a secret witness although there is no evidence?
*Why is Halise Aksoy not released from prison although she has suffered from many health problems?
*Will the Ministry take steps for the release of Halise Aksoy due to her health problems?
*Why hasn’t an indictment been prepared against Halise Aksoy yet?
*Will the Ministry of Justice take steps for the release of seriously sick prisoners?”