She has to work at 69 due to poverty
Since the Taliban took power in Afghanistan, many people have been living below the poverty line. Masoumeh Jafari, only breadwinner of her family of 14, has to work at 69.

Bamyan- Since the Taliban took power in Afghanistan, they have gradually shut women out of society. Due to the rise in the poverty line, families cannot put food on the table. Women peddlers selling products on the roadside have to pay money to some groups for ensuring their security. Women peddlers pay more than male peddlers. If they do not pay every week, they are not allowed to work anymore.
Masoumeh Jafari is a 69-year-old woman living in the city of Bamyan. She runs a shop to earn a living for her family of 14. She told us that her son worked in the military department in the previous government. “He is sometimes offered daily tasks. He and I decided to run a shop in order to earn a living for our family of 14. When I opened this shop, I had very little capital. I bought almost all products that I sell at the shop by receiving a loan. I pay the loan at the end of every month. Since I have paid the loan, I have difficulty meeting my family's needs.”