Women to take to streets to protest murder of İda El Seido
A 13-year-old girl named İda El Seido was stoned to death by her family male members in Hasekê (Al-Hasakah) city of NE Syria. Women have protested the brutal killing of the girl for days and demanded the killers of the girl be punished in the most severe way. Today the women living in the cities of NE Syria will take to the streets again to protest the murder of İda El Seido
Hasekê – Since July 1, women have flocked to streets in many cities of NE Syria to protest the brutal killing of a 13-year-old girl named İda El Seido, who was stoned to death by her family male members in the Al Zihour neighborhood of Hasekê (Al-Hasakah) city of NE Syria. The women have demanded those responsible to be punished in the most severe way. Today, women will take to the streets to protest the brutal killing of the girl again.
“We demand those responsible to be tried”
13-year-old İda was brutally killed and we don’t accept this, said İntsar Hamadi, who is from Hasekê. İntsar Hamadi demanded those responsible be arrested and tired, “This massacre is not accepted by any religion. The male-dominated mentality should never affiliate its reactionary thought with religion. How could a family brutally kill a 13-year-old girl like that?”
“We do not accept the mentality that sees women as slaves”
İntsar Hamadi told us that they will never accept being slaves and killed, “Women are killed under the name of “Honor”. Women are not the honor of men or families. This is slavery. We do not accept the mentality that sees women as slaves.”
“It is time for women to be free”
Kongreya Star Academy Committee member Koçer Hisên stated that women can strongly respond to the ruling mentality by expressing their own thoughts and ideas. “The authoritarian regimes kill women under the name of social tradition. Women should raise their awareness and prevent such incidents. The main weapon of a successful and free society is knowledge. It is time for women to be free. Women should build a healthy system based on gender equality in this sensitive process, this is their duty.”