Unsolved murders of Turkey: She losses her two brothers

After Sedat Peker claimed that Mehmet Ağar is responsible for the unsolved murders, the relatives of disappeared people called on Turkish prosecutors to fulfill their duty. İffet Mutaş’s two brothers were killed after being detained in 1993 and 1994. She demands those who responsible for these deaths should be punished in the most severe way. “Turkey will always face this. We will never forget our loved ones. For this reason, they should judge those who are involved in these deaths instead of ignoring us.”


Amed - Turkish mafia boss Sedat Peker has released videos on his YouTube account. In his seventh videos, he claimed that former Turkish Interior Minister Mehmet Ağar is responsible for the unsolved murders of journalist Uğur Mumcu and Kurdish businesspeople. Güldal Mumcu, wife of Uğur Mumcu, Pervin Buldan, wife of Savaş Buldan and Saturday Mothers issued statements and they called on the prosecutors to fulfill their duty over the allegations of Sedat Peker.

Bar associations filed a criminal complaint

Izmir and Diyarbakır bar associations filed a criminal complaint demanding the cases of unsolved murders be reopened over the allegations of Sedat Peker demanding.  

Suspects in JİTEM murders case to face retrial

A Turkish appeals court ruled that all 19 suspects in the JİTEM case would face a retrial on charges of murdering 19 people between 1993 and 1996. On December 13, 2019, Ankara 1st High Criminal Court ruled the acquitment of 19 suspects.

İffet Mutaş’s two brothers were killed

After the allegations of Sedat Peker, the relatives of disappeared people made a statement and demanded those who responsible for unsolved murders be punished. One of the relatives is İfeet Mutaş. Her two brothers were killed in 1993 and 1994. Her brother Mehmet Tekdağ was killed on February 12, 1993 by unknown assailants in Diyarbakır’s Beğlar district. “My other brother Ali Tekdağ was forcibly taken into a Toros (car brand) and detained in 1994. We had no news from him for 20 days. According to the statements of eyewitnesses, my brother said, ‘Tell my family that they will kill me here’ while he was being taken to Diyarbakır Prison. We couldn’t learn where he was despite our applications. Later, we learned that Ali had been shot in the head and his body had been burned by soldiers. His body had been buried in a place between Diyarbakır and Silvan. One of the former JITEM members said that in his interview with Evrensel Newspaper but we haven’t found where he was buried.”

“No word can explain my suffering”

İffet Mutaş told us that she lost her father a year after the loss of her two brothers. She stated that she feels the same pain as if her brothers were killed today. Mehmet Tekdağ was the youngest siblings of the family and İffet Mutaş never forgets his childhood, “I still remember those days. We were forced to leave our village and we had to move to Diyarbakır city center but they always followed us. My two brothers were killed in two years. We opened a lawsuit but we have no result. My brothers were married and had children. We couldn’t find Ali’s body. No word can explain my suffering.”

“Those responsible for their deaths should be tried”

İffet Mutaş stated that those responsible for her brothers’ deaths have walked freely for 30 years. The only demand of Mutaş is that those responsible for their deaths should be tried. “Hundreds of families suffered a lot like us in those years and children grew up without a father. Those responsible for these deaths should be tried in the most severe way. Turkey will always face this. We will never forget our loved ones. For this reason, they should judge those who are involved in these deaths instead of ignoring us.”