Roşîn Hido: A dirty plan is being implemented in Afrin

While people of Afrin have faced serious rights violations since Turkey took the control of the city, hundreds of tents have been recently set up in many settlements. Lawyer Roşîn Hido pointed out that a dirty plan is being implemented in Afrin, “They are trying to clear out the Kurds and civilizations that have lived in the region for centuries. The demographic structure of the city has been changed. They settled 400 people, including Turkmen, Arabs, and Palestinians in the region in a short time.


Shehba- Turkey-backed factions abducted many women in Afrin last year, according to the Women’s Office, a non-governmental organization in the Afrin Region. Since Turkey took the control of the city, thousands of women have been abducted, more than 84 women have been killed, and at least 71 women have been subjected to rape. 14 women, including two children, were abducted in October, according to the human rights organizations. In October, a pregnant woman named Nemet Behçet Şêxo was tortured to death by Turkey-backed factions after being abducted along with her husband.

Tents in many settlements

According to the human rights organizations, many tents have been recently set up in many settlements of Afrin; 255 tents in the village of Basûfanê, 225 tents in the village of Şêrewa, two tents in Mihemed-Qazilqî, 100 tents in Tetera, 200 in Til Silorê, 100 in Kefer Şîlê, 125 in Barafa, 100 in Bafilûnê, 135 in Xilalka, 250 in Miqdat, 140 in Qestel, 225 in Ekbez and 100 in Etmana.

“International organizations should take steps”

Lawyer Roşîn Hido, a member of the Human Rights Organization in Afrin, recalled that one of their colleagues was also abducted in Afrin. “Women have faced violence and rights violations. The demographic structure of the city has been changed. We call on international organizations to take immediate steps against the ongoing rights violations in the city.”

“The demographic structure of the city has been changed”

Pointing out that a dirty plan is being implemented in Afrin, Roşîn Hido said, “They are trying to clear out the Kurds and civilizations that have lived in the region for centuries. The demographic structure of the city has been changed. They settled 400 people, including Turkmen, Arabs, and Palestinians in the region in a short time.”

“Turkey-backed armed faction Al-Amshat targets Yazidis”

Indicating that “Al-Amshat”, a Turkey-backed armed faction, set up a camp in the Şiyê district of Afrin, Roşîn Hido said, “We have already documented the rights violations committed by them. They work with MIT (Turkish Intelligence Organization). They especially prefer to stay in places where Yazidis live. They have been forcing Yazidis to displacement. They have been torturing them and confiscating their properties. Those who commit these crimes should be prosecuted immediately.”