Meet Maria Al Moallem, first woman runs mobile veterinary clinic in ME

Christian Waked
Beirut - Maria Al Muallem started a mobile veterinary clinic, to save time in treating animals and ease their transportation, thus she becomes the first woman in Lebanon and the Middle East to run a mobile veterinary clinic.
After completing her studies of veterinary medicine at the Lebanese University in 2014, 29-year-old Maria Al-Moallem started a mobile veterinary clinic to treat animals. She talked with our new agency about how she runs her mobile clinic.
How did you decide to be a veterinarian? How did you decide to start a mobile veterinary clinic?
When I was a child, my family had a dog and cats and I loved them. I started to consider them as members of the family; this feeling pushed me to specialize in this field at the Lebanese University in the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine.
After I graduated from university, I did not have my own clinic, so I visited houses to treat pets, and then I realized that people preferred not going to clinics with dogs or cats and other pets because taking their pets to clinics by cars isn't easy for them. For this reason, I decided to start a mobile veterinary clinic.
For a year and a half, I have run my mobile clinic in all regions of Lebanon and treated animals. My customers contact me through social media.
Most of the time, I face many difficulties while traveling due to traffic density, and the lack of a place to park my vehicle because it is very big.
How did society and your family accept your decision to study at faculty of veterinary science?
My family, particularly my grandmother, didn’t accept my education at the faculty of veterinary science, but I insisted on studying in this field; because becoming a veterinarian was my passion.
My family also opposed the idea of the start a mobile veterinary clinic, because they were fearing of car accidents, but when they saw how much this helps many people and animals they accepted my idea.
Are there laws that protect animals in Lebanon?
There were no laws protecting animals, but the Lebanese Syndicate of Veterinarians demanded the country to pass a law preventing violence against animals in Lebanon in 2020, but due to economic crisis broke out after the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak; the amendment to the law that protects animals become a secondary issue.
What is the situation of pets, are they affected by the ongoing economic crisis in Lebanon?
Due to economic crisis and deteriorating living conditions, many families have abandoned their pets, and some families have kept their pets because they think their pets are members of their family.  I have supported many customers to find a place for their animals, and many associations have also helped them.
What can you do to raise the awareness of the public about animal rights?
Since I graduated from university, for five years, I have seen that there is a growing awareness of the Lebanese community for animals, and I have tried to raise awareness on social media or when I talk to people. I remind people how animals are important for them and their (animals) positive impact on their family.
On 4 August, two explosions hit Beirut city, many veterinary clinics were open to help people, could you tell us about this?
The explosion that hit Beirut was very horrific, about 6000 people were wounded in the explosions, and the veterinary clinics opened their doors for people to reduce pressure on the hospitals.
What have you learned from animals and how do you communicate with them?
I learned humanity from animals; I love all kinds of animals without exception.
Communication with an animal is very difficult because they cannot  speak, they cannot tell you what hurts them, so you have to find out what they suffer from to treat them.
 Do you want to say something more to our news agency?
I definitely advise women to achieve their dreams. My family was against me to study at the faculty of veterinary science in the beginning but I insisted on doing what I want. A woman can do everything they want and nothing is impossible, their strength is inside them and only they can encourage themselves.