Yazidi youth hold their congress

The 3rd Yazidi Youth Congress was held in the Sinun of Shengal.

Shengal - The 3rd Yazidi Youth Congress was held in the Sinun of Shengal with the motto, “Yazidi youth’s organization will avenge the 74th edict and will secure the autonomy of Shengal”. 300 delegates, 200 Arab and Shiite guests from Shengal, Southern Kurdistan and Europe participated in the congress.

The congress ended after the acceptance of the charter of the Yazidi Youth Union (YCÊ) and the election of 20 council members. At the congress, the union’s flag, consisting of an eagle, a mountain and a sun on a red background, again included to the charter and the name of the union was changed from the Yazidi Youth Union to the Êzîdxan Youth Union. In addition, members of the council were elected by the delegates. At the end of the congress, a nine-item final declaration was announced.

Training programs will be organized

In the final declaration, the Yazidi youth emphasized that they would fail the October 9 agreement on Shengal and the KDP’s betrayal and stand against Turkey’s attacks on the region. The final declaration said that training programs about self-defense and other issues would be organized for Yazidis, particularly Yazidis staying in camps and that the youth would take an active role against the colonists.

“We will not allow new edicts to be committed”

Young women of Shengal spoke to NuJINHA about the congress. Sêvi Murad said that they would overcome the dirty policies carried out on the young people of Shengal and the people of Shengal by organizing themselves. “We will never allow new edicts (genocide) to be committed against Yazidis. We will organize ourselves as patriotic and revolutionary youth.”

“We will build a free life together”

“We gathered here as Arab, Shiite and Yazidi youth of Shengal and we will build a new and free life together,” Jiyan Sara said.

“We will unite against genocide”

Şato Mihemed, who participated in the congress from the Kurdistan Region, recalled the genocide committed against Yazidis by ISIS and said, “They cannot defeat the power of organized youth. No genocidal mentality can afford it. We will unite against genocide and dirty policies.”