Women to go on strike for gender equality in Switzerland
Unionist and feminist activists and supporters will demonstrate across Switzerland today, June 14.

News Center- Women of the Swiss Trade Union Federation (SGB/USS) called on all women to join the demonstrations across Switzerland today demanding gender equality in the workplace, particularly with regards to wages, access to work, and pensions. The women announced that they will take to the streets against all inequalities.
The women issued a statement and said, “In 1991, Swiss women went on strike for the first time to demonstrate and demand equal pay and equal opportunities in general. The strike, known as the women’s strike of June 14, spread across the country. Until now, the conditions have worsened instead of getting better. The promises given to women for an equal life have never been kept. Our invisible domestic labors have increased due to the pandemic. The rate of sexist and sexual crimes against women and LGBTI+ individuals has been increasing. Women immigrants are targeted with racist and gendered policies.”
Women in Switzerland will take to the streets across the country with the slogans, “Equal pay for equal work!” and “Better protection against sexist and sexual violence.”