‘Women are the cornerstone for building the future of Syria’
“The path to build a democratic Syria is difficult but not impossible. Every small step Syrian women take today is a cornerstone for building the future of the new Syria.”

Aleppo- The Assad regime had oppressed all people, especially women, for years until it collapsed on December 8, 2024. The people of Syria celebrated the fall of the Assad regime while expressing concern over the takeover of the jihadist group Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which formed an interim government in the country.
Since the takeover of HTS, the jihadist group has made anti-democratic decisions against women and the attacks on ethnic groups have intensified. Syrian women wonder if they will participate in decision-making positions and politics in the new Syria. Syrian women want to play effective roles in building the new Syria.
‘Women were ignored’
Women have faced barriers to participate in politics in Syria for 10 years, said 45-year-old Subhia Gharib, a displaced woman of Idlib living in Aleppo. “Although women held decision-making positions, they had no say about important issues. During the civil war, women emerged as a major power in society by participating in all facets of life, including education, art and culture and solving family conflicts. Despite their sacrifices, they did not receive what they deserve and they faced barriers to participating in politics. Women were ignored due to social and cultural marginalization.”
‘Women still face barriers’
Syrian women face barriers not only in politics but also in society, Subhia Gharib emphasized. “Gender norms undermine women's roles in public life and politics. Since the fall of the regime, women have faced more barriers. Women are unable to express their opinions and their political participation is not encouraged due to the ongoing clashes and worsening social conditions. The new interim government led by HTS has made decisions against women, forcing women to wear hijab and confine women to home. Women still face barriers in participation in politics, decision-making positions and social life.”
‘Women show their power despite obstacles’
Syrian women want to play a key role in politics despite all the obstacles, Subhia Gharib noted, adding:
“I am still hopeful that Syrian women will play a key role in politics in the future. Women have the extraordinary ability to solve all problems. Many Syrian women continue their education in tents despite all the difficult living conditions.”
‘The path to build a democratic Syria is difficult but not impossible’
Many Syrian women have success stories despite all the difficulties, said Subhia Gharib. “Some of them went to other countries. Some have become civil society representatives in Geneva, some have played a leading role in international and humanitarian organizations. These women have made great efforts to make women’s voices heard in international forums. Syrian women make great efforts inside and outside of Syria despite the lack of resources and social pressure. My message to all Syrian women is: do not allow anything to prevent you. The path to build a democratic Syria is difficult but not impossible. Just believe in yourselves. Every small step you take today is a cornerstone for building the future of the new Syria. Do not be afraid of difficulties but be brave because your country needs your voice and contributions.”