“We will fight for the guerrillas because they supported us”

The women of Shengal condemned the use of chemical weapons against the guerrillas of the HPG in the Kurdistan Region. “We will fight for the guerrillas to the last drop of blood because they supported us during the genocide,” they said.

Shengal (Sinjar)- People continue to protest the use of chemical weapons by Turkey against the People's Defense Forces (HPG) guerrillas in the Kurdistan Region. The people of Shengal held a march yesterday to condemn the use of chemical weapons against the guerrillas.

After the march, a press statement was read by Kamila Silêman, member of the Yazidi Free Women's Movement (Kurdish: Tevgera Azadiya Jinên Êzîdî-TAJÊ). “We commemorate all the guerrillas who were martyred by chemical weapons and express our condolences to all the families of the martyrs. We, as mothers and women of Shengal, will keep struggling until the attacks against the guerrillas are defeated. The guerrillas sacrificed their lives to save Yazidis and we will fight for them to the last drop of blood. We salute the resistance of the guerrillas,” the statement said.

“PDK continues to betray us”

“The PDK (The Kurdistan Democratic Party) betrayed us during the genocide committed against us and now it continues to betray us, the guerrillas,” the mothers of Shengal, who joined the march, said.

“They want to destroy humanity by attacking the guerrillas,” Surî Xelef, member of the Martyrs' Families Assembly, said, “The Turkish state has openly used chemical weapons against the freedom fighters. The use of chemical weapons is a crime against humanity. The HPG shared footage showing how the guerrillas were killed by chemical weapons. However, the international community remains silent against the use of chemical weapons by the Turkish state. The PDK did everything to prevent the transfer of the gas masks to the guerrillas. This shows the cooperation between the PDK and the Turkish state. The PDK betrayed us during the genocide against us and now it continues to betray us and the guerrillas. We call on our people to show their reactions against the attacks on the guerrillas.”