Turkey ranks 129th out of 146 countries in gender inequality index
Turkey ranks 129th out of 146 countries in the Global Gender Inequality Index for 2023 of the World Economic Forum (WEF). The index says that it could take 131 years for the world to close the gender gap.
News Center-The World Economic Forum (WEF) has released its Global Gender Inequality Index for 2023. In the index where countries are given a score between 0 and 1, Turkey's score was announced as 0.638.
Turkey dropped five places
According to the index, Turkey ranks 129th out of 146 countries, dropping five places compared to 2022. Turkey ranks last among the countries in the Eurasia and Central Asia category. The index measures the status of women in four main areas, and Turkey ranks 133rd in "economic participation and opportunity”, 99th in “educational attainment”, 100th in “health and survival” and 118th in “political empowerment”.
In the index, Turkey ranks 110th in terms of the number of women in parliament and 134th with a six percent female minister ratio. “The representation rate of women in local governments in Turkey is 10.1 percent,” the report of the WEF said.
Turkey ranks 130th in women’s participation in the labor force
The index shows that Turkey ranks 130th in women’s participation in the labor force, 91st in pay equality for the same job, 128th in estimated income, and 119th in access to executive positions. The country ranks 100th in literacy rate, 80th in primary school enrollment, 107th in secondary school enrollment, and 106th in higher education.
Afghanistan comes last
Afghanistan comes last in the Global Gender Inequality Index for 2023 ranking while Iceland takes the first place. For the 14th year, Iceland is the most gender-equal country by having closed 91.2% of its gap, according to the WEF.