Tunisian activist: The Turkish state commits war crimes
“The Turkish state commits war crimes,” said Tunisian activist Jannet Kaddechi, condemning the Turkish attacks on North and East Syria.

Tunisia- Although 13 years have passed since the protests in Tunisia ignited the Arab Spring, the reality of women has become even more complicated. Tunisia passed its first national law to combat violence against women on July 26, 2017. Jannet Kaddechi, president of the Association Voix d'Ève (AVE), thinks that the reality of women in the city of Sidi Bouzid, located in the central west of Tunisia, has not changed, “but become more tragic. The dreams of the women of Sidi Bouzid for freedom, citizenship and equality are only in slogans.”
Women have no insurance
Pointing to the high increase in women unemployment, she said, “Most women work in agriculture. Women working in agriculture have no social and health insurance. Women should participate in politics and hold decision-making positions. In Sidi Bouzid Governorate, women are underrepresented in decision-making positions. They are not given the opportunity to voice their tragedies.”
“Poverty rate has doubled’
“Under Ben Ali, women were left behind,” Jannet Kaddechi said, “Today, we are in a sadder situation; our freedom and gains are threatened. Women are excluded from local councils and parliament. We face many challenges in all facets of life. Women face all kinds of discrimination. Their living conditions remain difficult, and do not improve. Poverty rate has doubled in the country. Despite everything, Tunisian women never give up their demands for freedom and democracy. As women, we will keep struggling to protect our gains and take our rights back.”
‘The Turkish state commits war crimes’
Commenting on the Turkish attacks on North and East Syria, she said, “The women of North and East Syria are subjected to attacks by both invaders and armed groups. In North and East Syria, women are killed, kidnapped and raped; however, these are not reported by press outlets. They are subjected to crimes against humanity. The Turkish state commits war crimes in North and East Syria and it must be held responsible for its crimes. Unfortunately, the attitude of international organizations against these crimes is very weak.”
‘We are in solidarity with the women’
Jannet Kaddechi thinks that the international community should break its silence against rights violations faced by the women of North and East Syria. “As Tunisian women, we are in solidarity with the women of North and East Syria. In addition, we do not forget the women of Gaza, being killed in front of TV cameras. A feminist network should be formed between Tunisian women’s organizations and women’s organizations in North and East Syria to tell what women are subjected to in North and East Syria. As women, we should cross the limits and raise women's voices.”