‘This issue concerns everyone and this peace should be the peace for all of us’

“This issue concerns everyone and this peace should be the peace for all of us,” said Müşerref Ülker, calling on everyone to support the call for peace by Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan.

Amed (Diyarbakır)- The Kurdistan Workers' Party (Kurdish: Partiya Karkerên Kurdistanê, PKK) declared a ceasefire on Saturday following Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan calling on the PKK to dissolve itself on February 27, 2025. Since then, the steps to be taken by the Turkish state have been discussed. The statements issued one after another show that the process will become clearer in the coming days.

The Kurdish people keeping a close watch for the recent developments demand education in Kurdish, the release of all political prisoners and their rights to be guaranteed in the constitution, calling on everyone to support the call for peace by Abdullah Öcalan. The primary demand of Kurdish women preparing for International Women’s Day is peace.

‘This historic process is an opportunity for all of us’

Müşerref Ülker, one of the executives of the Democratic Regions Party in Amed, is one of the women who have struggled for peace for years. She has been arrested many times and she is a mother whose son is a freedom fighter. “All segments in Türkiye should support the process,” she told NuJINHA, stressing that there are no real winners in war. “This historic process is an opportunity for all of us. Women and mothers have been struggling for peace for years. Now, a historic process is taking place and women have already embraced this process.”

Thousands have been behind bars for saying, “This war must end”, said Müşerref Ülker, who has been arrested several times for demanding peace.

“The message and call of Mr.Abdullah Öcalan is a sacred call for all of us. On the evening before the call, I was very excited like all mothers and I could not sleep. In the early morning, I went to the square (Dağkapı Square) and saw how excited and hopeful people were. We have always said that the key to peace is in Imrali. That key has opened the door of peace everywhere today. When the message was read, we both felt happy and shed tears. I have lost thousands for peace, and paid a heavy price. I was with the mothers, who have paid a heavy price. We hugged each other and cried.”

‘We stand by the call’

All people at the square were happy, Müşerref Ülker emphasized, adding: “We were happy because we have never stood by war. The end of a 50-year-old struggle will definitely be peace. We stand by the call for peace. This call can bring peace to people and this region. All people, not just Kurds or Turks, are responsible for supporting this peace process. These people (Kurdish people) have suffered a lot and paid a heavy price. They have struggled although they have experienced many things. They will continue to struggle for peace. The state (Turkish state) must shoulder the responsibility. This historic opportunity should not be missed. They (Turkish authorities) must take a step for peace by amending the laws.”

‘The isolation must be lifted’

Müşerref Ülker stressed that they would continue their struggle and said their demands. “First of all, the isolation (imposed on Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan) must be lifted. Laws must be amended and all political prisoners must be released from prison. We demand equal citizenship. This issue concerns everyone and this peace should be the peace for all of us. We want a fair and sincere process to be carried out.”