‘The Social Contract should be taken as a model in shaping the new Syria’
Enahîd Qesabiyan, coordinating member of the Armenian Women’s Union, thinks that women play an important role in shaping the new Syria, in which the rights of all ethnic and religious identities will be protected.

Hasakah- The General Council of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria approved the 134 articles of the Social Contact on December 12, 2023, guaranteeing the rights of the women leading in all facets of life including military, politics and social life.
In an interview with NuJINHA, Enahîd Qesabiyan, coordinating member of the Armenian Women’s Union, said that the role of women in shaping the new Syria was very important to protect the rights of all ethnic and religious identities. “During the revolution in Rojava, all people fought together. Now, it’s time to defend the gains of the revolution.”
‘The revolution gave us the opportunity to have a free life’
Recalling that the revolution in Rojava was led by women, Enahîd Qesebiyan said, “The revolution gave an opportunity to all people from different nationalities and regions to have a free life under the umbrella of the Autonomous Administration (of North and East Syria). When a revolution is led by women, it will definitely be a successful revolution. As Armenian women, we also played an important role in the revolution. In 2023, the Social Contract was approved by the General Council of the Autonomous Administration to protect the rights of women, all ethnic and religious identities. All states have their own constitutions; however, these constitutions are not democratic. Countries use constitutions for their own interests. But the Social Contract is different, it looks after the interests of society.”
‘Systems are doomed to collapse without women’
Enahîd Qesebiyan thinks that Syria's new constitution should be based on democracy, protecting all people from different nationalities, religions and ethnic groups in Syria. “Women’s freedom must be guaranteed in the new constitution of Syria. If women’s rights are not protected, Syria will be destroyed. Thanks to the Rojava Revolution and the resistance of women, women in North and East Syria, but not across Syria, have been liberated from slavery. Women’s rights and resistance face obstacles in Syria. Systems are doomed to collapse without women.”
‘The Autonomous Administration is an umbrella protecting human rights’
The Autonomous Administration is an umbrella protecting human rights, Enahîd Qesabiyan stressed, adding: “The Autonomous Administration and the Social Contract protect the rights of people in North and East Syria. Thanks to the system of the Autonomous Administration, all ethnic and religious identities respect each other and their rights are protected. We demand the new constitution of Syria be written by the Syrian people. The new constitution must protect all ethnic and religious identities and women’s rights. I call on all women to shape a free and democratic Syria.”