‘The resistance in Shahba and Afrin against invaders will continue’
In Afrin, 53 people, including four women, were kidnapped in May, according to the Human Rights Organization in Afrin. “The resistance in Shahba and Afrin against invaders will continue,” said Ferîda Îbo, coordinating member of the Kongra Star.

Shahba- Afrin has been under occupation of the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions for more than five years. In Afrin, 53 people, including four women, were kidnapped and more than 900 trees were cut down in May 2023, according to the report released by the Human Rights Organization in Afrin.
The organization also announced that two new settlement projects were launched in Afrin's Sherewa district and near Çiyayê Lêlun (English: Mount Lelun), also known as Mount Al-Ahlam, with the support of the Al-Khair Foundation. In an interview with NuJINHA, Ferîda Îbo, coordinating member of the Kongra Star branch in Afrin-Shahba, talked about the current situation in Afrin.
‘The aim of the invaders is to displace all people of Afrin’
‘Since the occupation of Afrin, the Turkish forces and Turkish-backed factions have committed all kinds of crimes against humanity in Afrin. The people of Afrin, particularly women, have been targeted by them,” Ferîde Îbo said, adding:
“They kidnap civilians and demand ransom from their families. The kidnapped civilians are subjected to torture in the detention centers of the Turkish-backed factions. Several days ago, an old woman died after being shot in a clash that broke out in Afrin. Now, the people living in Afrin live in fear. The aim of the invaders is to displace all people of Afrin by carrying out inhuman practices.”
‘The demographic structure of the city has been changed in five years’
Noting that the demographic structure of Afrin has been changed in five years by the invaders, Ferîda Îbo said:
“The invaders have been destroying the history and nature of Afrin. The members of the Turkish-backed factions buy and sell houses of the local people at a very cheap price. The aim of the construction of new settlements is to completely change the demographic structure of Afrin. The construction of these two new settlements is supported by the Al-Khair Foundation and some Kuwaiti and Qatari organizations. They have already brought people from various regions of Syria and settled them in Afrin. Their aim is to destroy the Kurdish identity in Afrin.
Before the occupation of Afrin, two languages, Kurdish and Arabic, were spoken in Afrin. Now, the only language spoken in Afrin is Turkish. The people of Afrin are forced to speak Turkish and use Turkish lira. I mean they try to show that Afrin is a Turkish city, not a Kurdish city. But everyone knows that Afrin is a Kurdish city. Those who try to protect their identity and their houses are subjected to all forms of torture by invaders.”
‘The resistance in Afrin and Shahba will continue’
Despite all forms of torture and inhuman practices by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions, there are people from Afrin who have not left their city. “This shows their resistance,” Ferîde îbo said, “We will keep resisting the attacks of the Turkish state and the Syrian government on Afrin and Shahba. We will not leave our homeland. The people living in Afrin should keep resisting. The resistance in Afrin and Shahba will continue.”