Resistance in Iran and Eastern Kurdistan continues on its 26th day

The people of Iran and Eastern Kurdistan continue to resist despite Iranian regime’s fighter jets and intense attacks. Last night, protesters set fires, blocked roads and painted their pain and anger on walls in many cities.

News Center -The protests that started across Iran following the killing of a Kurdish woman named Jina Mahsa Amini by Iranian so-called ‘morality police’ continue on its 26th day. Last night, people took to the streets in many cities of Iran and Eastern Kurdistan. Despite the intense security measures, the presence of fighter jets and the attacks of the regime, the protesters waged an incomparable resistance.

They set fires, blocked roads

The protesters took to the streets of Mahabad, Saqqez, Kermanshah, Dehgolan, Mariwan, Baneh and Bukan. They chanted anti-regime slogans, set fires, blocked roads and painted their pain and anger on walls. Local sources also confirmed that fighter jets were flying over Kermanshah. The local sources said that fighter jets flew over the city to cause panic in order to prevent the uprising.

The injured are treated in houses

According to the received reports, the injured people are treated in houses in order not to be arrested by Iranian regime forces. Since Iranian authorities have severely restricted internet access and blocked access to Instagram and WhatsApp, there is no information on the number of casualties in last night's protests.

In addition, the protesters took to the streets in many Iranian cities, towns and provinces such as Sistan and Baluchestan Province, Isfahan, Varamin, Fuladshahr, Yazdan Shahr, Tehran, Kazeroon, Mashhad, Qom, Tabriz, Ekbatan, Shiraz, Qazvin, Arak, Hormozgan, Bandar Abbas, Ahvaz and Marvdasht.

Attacks on the Basij paramilitary bases

In many cities, people chanted slogans from their windows to support the protesters. Drivers also frightened military forces by repeatedly honking their horns. The attacks on the Basij paramilitary bases continued. The protesters cannot share videos and photos on social media platforms because Iranian authorities have severely restricted internet access.