Preparation for HDP’s rally in Amed: A permanent and honored peace is needed
The Peoples’ Democratic Party will hold a rally in Amed on August 6 with the motto, “No to War and Exploitation, We are the Solution”. HDP Amed Provincial Co-chair Gülistan Atasoy spoke to NuJINHA about the preparation for the rally.

Amed (Diyarbakır) – The Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) will hold two rallies in Amed and Istanbul with the motto, “No to War and Exploitation, We are the Solution”. The first rally will be held at the Istasyon Square in Amed on August 6 while the second rally will be held in Istanbul on August 7. Speaking about the preparation for the rally in Amed, HDP Amed Provincial Co-chair Gülistan Atasoy stated that the rally will be held with the participation of many people from cities across the region.
Official applications to take permission for the rally
Stating that the citizens have been suffering from the extraordinary processes, economic, cultural and political crises in Turkey, Gülistan Atasoy, pointed out that these crises are directly related to the war policies of the government. Underlining that the ruling party has been dragging the country into war, poverty and misery, Gülistan Atasoy said that the ruling party has been carrying out its war policies both inside and outside of the country in order to remain in power.
“It causes deaths, poverty and crises”
Speaking about the recent war policies being carried out in Southern Kurdistan and the sufferings of the peoples in the region due to these policies, Gülistan Atasoy said that they will call for the end of these policies at the rally. “All people living in the region need a permanent and honored peace,” she said, “Especially after 2015, an authoritarian and repressive regime was built in this country. The ongoing military operations in Southern Kurdistan and the threats of military offensive in Rojava are for the ruling party’s preparation for elections (Turkey’s 2023 elections). We always say that these policies are disadvantageous for both Turkish people and the people from other nationalities living in Turkey. The Zakho massacre shows that this issue is not only Kurdish issue. The war causes deaths, poverty, crises and displacement. Therefore, the ongoing attacks and war policies should end. In Amed, we have waged a struggle to end them.”
“The rally will be a great response to the dirty policies of the ruling party”
“The rally will be a great response to the dirty policies of the ruling party,” Gülistan Atasoy said that they have worked hard to make preparation for the rally to be held on August 6.
“We will hold a rally at the Istasyon Square of Amed so that the people of Amed will speak out against these war policies and the destruction caused by these policies. The aim of the rally is to say no to these war policies and the poverty and plunder caused by these war policies. Another aim of the rally is to show how the third way in politics is demanded by the people of Amed. We have already made our official applications to take permission for the rally and our preparation for the rally. 25 HDP MPs and the people from Amed’s districts and other cities in the region will participate in the rally. We invite the people to participate in the rally so that they will feel more hopeful about the future.”