Nudem held in prison for 6 years for singing in Kurdish

Singer Nudem Durak has held in prison for six years for singing in Kurdish. Her passion for music began when she was a child and now she plays her saz (musical instrument) behind bars.
Şırnak- Nudem Durak is a member of Koma Sorxwin (a musical group). Two cases were opened against her with the allegation of “being a member of a (terrorist) organization” because of her song in Kurdish. She was sentenced to 19 years in prison and she has been held in prison for six years. She was detained in 2015 and then sent to prison. Then she was exiled to M Type Women’s Closed Prison in Bayburt. Nudem now sings her songs for her friends in her ward. Nudem’s passion for music began when she was a child and she became famous soon for the people of Botan.
Her interest in music began when she was a child
Nudem Durak, who devotes her life to music, grew up in Kumçatı town of Şırnak province. She is the daughter of the family having the culture of Dengbêj. Her interest in music turned into a passion for her. Nudem Durak always dreamed to perform on the stage one day. She realized her dream by performing on the stage along with her father during a concert organized in Diyarbakır province. Nudem Durak began to work for Mem û Zîn Cultural Center (MKM). She founded a musical group called “Koma Sorxwin” and continued to sing songs. She became famous soon for the people of Botan. But cases were opened against her for singing songs during Newroz celebrations and demonstrations. She was sentenced to 10 years in prison and she was sent to prison in 2015.
A campaign launched for her
An international solidarity campaign based in France was launched for the release of Nudem Durak, who has been held in M Type Women’s Closed Prison in Bayburt province. The campaign launched last year is still ongoing. Many people from many countries as France, England, the USA, Sweden, Senegal, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Guadeloupe raised their voice to be in solidarity with her. Many intellectuals, artists, singers, and scientists have supported the campaign and demanded the release of Nudem. Some of them are; Angela Davis, Noam Chomsky, Ken Loach, David Graeber, Peter Gabriel, Roger Waters.
“My daughter is not treated in prison”
The mother of Nudem Durak, Hatice Durak gave information about her daughter’s condition in prison and she said that she hasn’t seen her daughter for years. “My daughter has been behind bars for years for singing songs. Before, I could visit her every month, but now I can only hear her voice. My daughter suffers from many diseases but she hasn’t been treated in prison. They are always under pressure, something should be done for them,” said Hatice Durak and she called for solidarity.
“She made music with her broken saz”
Nudem Durak’s ward friend Vesile Yüksel from M Type Women’s Closed Prison in Bayburt said that Nudem keeps her passion for music in prison, “Nudem is now behind bars for singing songs but rapists, thieves, and killers are outside. Nudem is a young and talented woman. She always took us to beautiful places with her voice. She played saz and sang songs in prison. She was also writing a book in prison. She never gives up working on music. Her saz was broken in prison but she kept playing it.”