Newroz celebrated in Japan
The Kurdish people and their friends celebrated Newroz in Tokyo, the capital of Japan.

News Center- Yesterday, the Kurdish people and their friends living in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, celebrated Newroz with enthusiasm. More than 2,000 people participated in the Newroz celebration at Akigase Park.
Call for support to earthquake victims
The message of Mithat Sancar, Co-chair of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) was read during the celebration. Salih Muslim, Co-chair of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), participated in the celebration online. During the celebration with the participation of the Kurds from four parts of Kurdistan, the organizers called on the participants to be in solidarity with the February 6 earthquake victims to heal their wounds.
Newroz was not celebrated in Japan for three years due to the Covid-19 outbreak.