New campaign in Kobanê against gender-based violence
The Young Women’s Union of North and East Syria has launched a new campaign in Kobanê against gender-based violence.

Kobanê –The Young Women’s Union of North and East Syria has launched a new campaign in Kobanê against gender-based violence with the motto, “Jin, jiyan, azadî, serbixwe azadî (English: Women, Life, Freedom, Independent Freedom). The union kicked off the campaign at the Jina Azad (Free Women) Square in Kobanî yesterday by organizing an event with participation of many young people from Raqqa, Tabqa, Manbij, Sirîn and Cizîrê.
Call on young women to be members of the union
After one minute’s silence, Jînda Yusif, Spokesperson of the union, made a speech. Underlining that the aim of the campaign is to fight all forms of violence against women, she said, “We call on all young women to be members of the union in order to fight all forms of violence against women together. We will continue to struggle against those who underestimate the will of women. Our resistance will continue until we regain our freedom.”
‘Our campaign will be a successful campaign’
After the speech of Jînda Yusif, Mutiya Muhammed, an Arab woman and member of the Young Women’s Union in Manbij, took to the stage. “The revolution in Rojava is a revolution led by women. Today, we, as young women of North and East Syria, come together to fight gender-based violence and regain our freedom. Our campaign will be a successful campaign,” she said in her speech.
Firyal Temi, Spokesperson of the Young Women’s Union in the Euphrates Region, said, “As it is known, the uprising in Rojhilat Kurdistan is led by women chanting the slogan ‘Jin, jiyan, azadi’. As young women, our duty is to embrace, protect and grow the philosophy of ‘Jin, jiyan, azadi”. We send our greeting from Kobanê to Rojhilat. We will regain our freedom together.”