Message from Gohar Eshghi to Ali Khamenei: Iran is not your father’s property
Gohar Eshghi, mother of Sattar Beheshti, Iranian blogger who was killed in 2012 by Iran’s security forces, shared a Newroz message saying, “Ali Khamenei, Iran is not your father’s property. You cannot do whatever you want in this country.”

News Center- Gohar Eshghi, the mother of Sattar Beheshti, Iranian blogger who was killed in November 2012 due to severe torture while in custody of the Islamic Republic security forces in Iran, shared a video message addressing to Ali Khamenei. “You and your accomplices are the servants of Iran,” she said in the video.
Pointing out that Newroz is the time when the Islamic Republic will be overthrown, she added, “Ali Khamenei, take the words of a begging mother seriously. You did not listen to the young people whose blood you shed; you killed all. You caused their mothers to mourn for their children. Inshallah, you will be overthrown.
Pointing out in the video that Ali Khamenei hates Iran and its history, Gohar Eshghi said, “The Islamic Republic of Iran will be destroyed. I have not been silenced for 11 years, you cannot silence me either.”