Italian activist: The demands of the Syrian Women's Council must be heard
Cecilia Brighi, member of Italian women's network “Noi Rete Donne”, calls on diplomats from different countries supporting the democratic change in Syria to hear the demands of the Syrian Women’s Council.

Italy- Women of North and East Syria have mobilized against the ongoing attacks of the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions on their region, saying that they will protect their gains. Women from different countries continue to publish statements, video messages and send letters to express their solidarity with the women of North and East Syria.
‘We support the Syrian Women’s Council’
Cecilia Brighi, member of Italian women's network “Noi Rete Donne”, sent a letter to NuJINHA, expressing their solidarity with Syrian women.
During the rule of the Bashar al-Assad regime, women were subjected to many crimes such as massacres, violence, harassment and rape by ISIS and other fundamentalist armed groups, Cecilia Brighi said in the letter.
“Noi Rete Donne condemns the ongoing crimes, massacres, kidnapping and violence against women and ethnic and religious minorities. Noi Rete Donne supports the Syrian Women's Council, aiming to build a free future for all Syrian people. Syrian women demand recognition of the ‘will of women’ and fair and equal participation of women in the construction of a democratic Syria and in the new Constitutional Committee. Because women present more than half of Syria's population.”
Experience of the AANES
In the letter, Cecilia Brighi recalled that the Syrian Women’s Council also demanded the establishment of a truth and justice commission to investigate and prosecute all war crimes and crimes against women and human rights. “The construction of a democratic, just and secure country will only be possible with the equal participation of women and all ethnic, religious and cultural groups in Syria,” Cecilia Brighi emphasized. “The diplomats from different countries supporting the democratic change in Syria must respect the demands of the Syrian Women's Council and the extraordinary experience of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES).”