General strike in Rojhelat against death penalty
Six political parties and organizations in Rojhelat Kurdistan have released a statement, calling for a general strike on January 22 (Wednesday) to protest the death sentences handed down to Pakhshan Azizi and Warisha Moradi.

News Center- Six political parties and organizations in Rojhelat Kurdistan have released a joint statement, calling for general strike on January 22 (Wednesday) to protest the death sentences handed down to Pakhshan Azizi and Warisha Moradi.
‘Take urgent action’
“As people suffer from unemployment, poverty, economic crisis, the lack of political freedom and many other social problems, the Iranian regime has sentenced dozens of political prisoners to death across Rojhelat Kurdistan and Iran, instead of responding to the demands of the people. In such an environment, urgent action must be taken to stop the execution of Pakhshan Azizi and Warisha (Varisheh) Moradi. The declaration of a general strike in Rojhelat Kurdistan is an action against the death penalty in Iran.”
Calling on everyone to join the general strike on Wednesday, the statement said, “The power of unity must be demonstrated. We call on everyone not to go to work and school and keep their workplaces closed on January 22 (Wednesday). This strike is an opportunity to save people's lives. We should show once again that Kurdistan will not remain silent against the death penalty and take a strong stance against it.”
Kurdistan Freedom Party (Kurdish: Partî Azadîy Kurdistan,PAK)
Kurdistan Free Life Party (Kurdish: Partiya Jiyana Azad a Kurdistanê, PJAK)
Society of Revolutionary Toilers of Iranian Kurdistan
Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (Kurdish: Hizbi Dêmukrati Kurdıstani Êran, HDKI)
Society of Workers of Iranian Kurdistan
The Komala Kurdistan's Organization of the Communist Party of Iran