Election fraud in Kurdish cities
Election fraud and fraudulent voter registration are reported from Kurdish cities, where voting procedures are still going on.

News Center- Election fraud, voting rights violations and fraudulent voter registration are reported from Kurdish cities, where voting procedures to elect mayors and administrators in local elections are going on.
According to the received reports, election fraud, voting rights violations and fraudulent voter registration in Kurdish cities are as follows:
·A man named Mustafa Gündüz, a HUDA-PAR’s observer in Amed’s Rezan (Bağlar) district, carries a gun and shows it to the voters in order to threaten them.
· In Şırnak, more than 20,000 soldiers and police officers cast their votes in Şırnak and its districts although they do not live in Şırnak and its districts. According to the received reports, the soldiers and police officers were transferred to Şırnak from different cities such as Ankara, Muğla and Aksaray.
· Many soldiers were transferred to Şırnak by buses in the early hours of March 31.
·175 of the 275 voters at ballot box No.1012 in the Basa (Güçlükonak) town of Şırnak are soldiers. According to the received reports, the soldiers are from different cities such as Isparta, Antalya and Muğla.
·17 ballot boxes have been placed in Sêgirkê (Şenoba) town of Şırnak’s Qileban (Uludere) district. Soldiers were stationed inside every school in the town. DEM Party Şırnak MP Newroz Uysal Aslan reacted to the situation and stated that the soldiers should wait outside the schools.
· AKP members casted their votes together in the Ejmanuk (Güzeltepe) neighborhood of Muş province. Despite the objections, the election fraud was not documented.
·Many soldiers and police officers were transferred to Ağrı province to cast their votes even though they do not live in the city. DEM Party MP Sırrı Sakık reacted to the situation and called them “thieves”.
· A man named Sait Günaydın posted a video on his social media account. The video shows how he voted for the AKP 11 times in the Gözlek neighborhood of Urfa’s Wêranşar (Viranşehir) district.
·Some people tried to cast their votes many times in the Gellegoç and Sûfra neighborhoods of Urfa’s Serêkaniyê (Ceylanpınar) district.
·The polling station staff at ballot box No. 1437 in the Sabancı Primary School located in Urfa’s Sewêreg (Siverek) were taken out of the school. The unidentified persons casted 100 votes.