Detention period of 9 journalists extended
The detention period of nine journalists, who were detained in dawn raids conducted in Istanbul and Ankara has been extended for one day. According to the reports, the journalists face terrorism charges for doing journalism.

News Center- Nine journalists were taken into custody in the dawn raids conducted in Istanbul, Ankara and Riha (Urfa) on Tuesday.
The detention period of the journalists has been reportedly extended for one day.
They face terrorism charges for doing journalism
According to the received reports, the journalists were detained over “terrorism charges” for covering marches and protests and for a statement released by the Democratic Press Union (Kurdish: Yekitiya Ragihanda Demokratik,YRD) on April 22 to celebrate the Kurdish Journalism Day.
The names of the detained journalists are: Mesopotamia Agency (MA) reporters Esra Solin Dal and Mehmet Aslan, MA former reporter Doğan Kaynak; Enes Sezgin, an employee of the Yeni Yaşam newspaper; media workers Saliha Aras, Yeşim Alıcı, Beste Argat Balcı and Şirin Ermiş and journalist Erdoğan Alayumat.