Dersim Erişen: Refugee women face systematic rights violations
Lawyer Dersim Erişen stated that refugee women face systematic rights violations and said, “Refugee women are subjected to gender-based violence not only during seeking refuge but also before seeking refuge.”

Van – In recent years, the war policies in the Middle East have been forcing millions of people to leave their homes and countries. Türkiye has been the primary destination for Syrian, Iranian and Afghan refugees. Since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, many Afghan refugees trying to enter Türkiye through Iran, have been subjected to many rights violations. Many refugees have lost their lives while trying to cross the Iran-Turkey border near the city of Van due to severe winter conditions and women and children are subjected to harassment, insults and rape.
‘The case of L.M. is not single case’
Several days ago, an Afghan woman named L.M. was raped by two soldiers while trying to cross the border near the Saray district of Van province. Two rapists were arrested by other soldiers and then sent to prison. A confidentiality order has been imposed on the rape case. Lawyer Dersim Erişen, Board Member of the Human Rights Association (IHD) Van branch, pointed out that the case was not a single case and that it was not surprising that the perpetrators were soldiers.
Hate speech against refugees
Dersim Erişen thinks refugees are the victims of wars and the patriarchal mentality that gets strength from nationalism and sexism. In the interview with NuJINHA, she pointed out that refugees are subjected to rights violations due to the hate speech against them. “The inhumane practices at the border faced by people fleeing death, violence, looting and rape are a reflection of the government's mentality that sees refugees, particularly women and children refugees, as spoils of war. The hate speech against refugees, who are subjected to inhuman practices and all kinds of discrimination, is woven by the government and the press.
‘It was not surprising that the perpetrators were soldiers’
Noting that the rape case was not the single rape case against refugee women, Dersim Erişen stated that a confidentiality order has been imposed on the rape case hide the facts from the public. “Whenever the perpetrators are law enforcement officers, a confidentiality order is imposed,” she said, recalling the case of Turkish Specialist Sergeant Musa Orhan, who drove İpek Er suicide after raping her. “After the rape of the refugee woman was revealed, the Van Bar Association met with the prosecutor's office to follow up and investigate the incident; however, the prosecutor’s office informed that a confidentiality order was imposed on the case. In order to prevent similar incidents, an effective investigation should be carried out and the policies of impunity for uniformed perpetrators and the inhuman policies against refugees should come to an end.
‘Women distrust official institutions’
Especially women refugees are subjected to serious rights violations, Dersim Erişen said, “Refugee women distrust official institutions and organizations. Refugee women are subjected to gender-based violence not only during seeking refuge but also before seeking refuge. After being subjected to sexual assault, they face difficulties in applying to judicial mechanisms. They are afraid of being sent back to their countries and do not believe that the state will solve the problem. For this reason, they do not want to report rape. Due to the inadequacy of these mechanisms, women cannot protect their children. Türkiye uses refugees as a weapon to threaten the international community. Refugees cannot benefit from constitutional rights, women refugees are subjected to all forms of violence, rape and sexual abuse. Child refugees are also subjected to rights violations.”