DEM Party: It is a coup via judicial bodies
“It is a coup via judicial bodies under AKP control against the will of the people in Van,” the DEM Party said in a statement on Tuesday.

News Center- Van Provincial Election Board gave mandate to Abdulahat Arvas, AKP’s mayoral candidate for Van, who received 27,15% of votes although DEM Party co-mayoral candidate for Van, Abdullah Zeydan, got a majority of votes (55,48%) in the local elections held on March 31.
The People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) has released a written statement rejecting the decision of the Van Provincial Election Board. “It is a coup via judicial bodies under AKP control against the will of the people in Van. The decision of the Van Provincial Election Board is an unlawful and illegitimate decision ignoring the will of the people in Van,” the statement said.
In the statement, the DEM Party announced that its lawyers had objected to the decision. “We urge the Supreme Electoral Council (YSK) to end unjust practices and recognize the will of our people. Our party, our members and our people object to this decision and we will demand our legitimate and democratic rights until this unjust decision is revoked.”