AKP’s Convention: Ankara Convention

AKP has begun to prepare a new convention called the “Ankara Convention” in the place of the Istanbul Convention. AKP General Vice President Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya said that women will protect “their convention”.
News Center- After the withdrawal from Istanbul Convention by a Presidential decree, the AKP has announced that they have prepared a new “convention” called “Ankara Convention” in the place of the Istanbul Convention.
AKP General Vice President Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya announced the new convention at a TV program and claimed that a new convention is needed. She announced the name of the new convention as “Ankara Convention”.
“We are planning to present a new convention called, “Ankara Convention”. We have already begun to work on it. We will do everything to regulate our laws in order to protect women,” said Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya, claiming, “We showed no mercy to perpetrators, and we will never show.” She also claimed that the opposition didn’t embrace the Istanbul Convention, “When the Istanbul Convention was signed 2011, it was signed to struggle violence against women. In recent years, we saw different lobbies for the convention. It wasn’t a convention embraced by the opposition. But this year, since July, they launched campaigns just for opposing.”
AKP Headquarters’ Women’s Branch chairperson Lütfiye Selva Çam also commented on the Istanbul Convention and said, “The Istanbul Convention is not essential for us. It can be criticized. If necessary, we continue with the Ankara Convention.”